{"id":276443,"date":"2018-08-17T01:17:46","date_gmt":"2018-08-16T15:17:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/content.easyweddings.com\/au\/pro-education\/increasing-email-open-rates\/"},"modified":"2018-08-17T01:17:46","modified_gmt":"2018-08-16T15:17:46","slug":"increasing-email-open-rates","status":"publish","type":"au-pro-education","link":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/pro-education\/increasing-email-open-rates\/","title":{"rendered":"9 tips to get couples to open your emails (you won’t believe number 7!)"},"content":{"rendered":"

If you’re sending any form of marketing communication to couples via email, you would know that half of the battle is getting them to actually open the darn thing!<\/p>\n

Whether it’s a weekly newsletter, request for reviews, or even a special promotion, there are many challenges that we come up against when it comes to email marketing. Thankfully though, there are a few sneaky tricks that we have up our sleeves to encourage more couples to open our emails and actually see our marketing message.<\/p>\n

However, sometimes knowing what NOT to do can also be helpful, so here are some of our favourite tips.<\/p>\n



Use responsive messaging<\/h4>\n

If you’re after a review from a couple or producing content that is specifically relevant to their wedding etc, then a response-style email headline can work very well.<\/p>\n

Particularly if a couple has already booked or enquired with you initially and you’re looking to convert them for another goal (whether it’s finalising a booking or leaving a review) then a relevant RE: subject line will make them stop and pay attention.<\/p>\n

Example of this could include:<\/p>\n