{"id":276313,"date":"2016-04-06T01:23:05","date_gmt":"2016-04-05T15:23:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/content.easyweddings.com\/au\/pro-education\/google-analytics-will-tell-website-probably-dont-know\/"},"modified":"2016-04-06T01:23:05","modified_gmt":"2016-04-05T15:23:05","slug":"google-analytics-will-tell-website-probably-dont-know","status":"publish","type":"au-pro-education","link":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/pro-education\/google-analytics-will-tell-website-probably-dont-know\/","title":{"rendered":"What Google Analytics will tell you about your website that you probably don’t know"},"content":{"rendered":"


Every day that your website is live without Google Analytics<\/a>, somewhere in Data\u00a0Land,\u00a0valuable\u00a0analytics die a slow and preventable\u00a0death. This insightful\u00a0data, when captured by Google Analytics<\/a>, can be used to refine your marketing strategy and\u00a0make better informed, more profitable business decisions\u00a0if you know how to find\u00a0it and what to do with it.\u00a0After\u00a0installing\u00a0Google Analytics<\/a>, here’s what it can reveal about your website:<\/p>\n

1. Which marketing activities are\u00a0working <\/span><\/h2>\n

Let’s say you run\u00a0Click to Website Facebook Ads, you write occasional\u00a0guest blogs for other sites, and you’ve signed up to\u00a0become an Easy Weddings partner<\/a>. Wouldn’t it be great to view and compare how much website traffic and business these different sources are generating from\u00a0one single platform?<\/p>\n

Google Analytics helps you do just that, with\u00a0Acquisition\u00a0Reports<\/a>. These reports identify where on the internet your website visitors come from, including social platforms, search engines, or referrals from other sites.<\/p>\n

This information helps determine your\u00a0most successful\u00a0marketing and advertising channels, allowing\u00a0you to\u00a0redistribute your\u00a0budget and\u00a0time allocation away from the profit-drains\u00a0and reinvest it into\u00a0the\u00a0profit-makers.<\/p>\n

Bonus Benefit<\/h3>\n

Acquisition reports can\u00a0also uncover surprise sources, which you may not have\u00a0invested time or money into building, but which drive traffic to your website all on their own, presenting an opportunity to\u00a0explore for generating\u00a0even more traffic.<\/p>\n

To access Acquisition Reports, visit the menu in the left sidebar of your Google Analytics dashboard.<\/p>\n

Click\u00a0image\u00a0to enlarge<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

2. Which\u00a0pages are driving potential customers away<\/h2>\n

Once you know where<\/em> people are coming from, check out Behavior Reports<\/a> to find out how<\/em>\u00a0people are interacting with your website after\u00a0arriving. Knowing which pages of your website people visit, what they click on while browsing and exactly how long they stay on each page can be invaluable information for\u00a0refining your website design<\/a> and user experience.<\/p>\n

Statistics on the Overview page\u00a0to\u00a0keep an eye on\u00a0are:<\/p>\n

Pages with LOW\u00a0Average Time on Page<\/em>:<\/strong>\u00a0the average duration\u00a0users spend viewing an individual (or set of)\u00a0pages or screens.\u00a0Anything less than about a minute may indicate a\u00a0page or sequence needs\u00a0review.<\/p>\n

Pages with HIGH\u00a0Bounce Rate<\/em>:\u00a0<\/strong>the percentage of single-page visits where people\u00a0exit your site from the page they arrived on (typically the homepage) without interacting with the page.<\/p>\n

If you find your website scores poorly in either of these two areas, there could be two reasons for this:<\/p>\n

1) You are attracting the wrong traffic and may need to review your marketing activities, along with revisiting your customer profile\/s<\/a>.<\/p>\n

2) Your website needs some love, in the form of faster\u00a0load times, prettier pictures<\/a>, better content, more content<\/a> or stronger calls to action.<\/p>\n

Have an employee or friend review any\u00a0underperforming pages with fresh eyes and provide some honest feedback on the design and usability.<\/p>\n

To access\u00a0Behavior\u00a0Reports, visit the menu in the left sidebar of your Google Analytics dashboard.<\/p>\n

Click image to enlarge<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\n

Behaviors continued…<\/h3>\n

The Site Content Behavior Report lists the individual pages of your website that have been visited in the date range specified. TIP:<\/strong> If you’re not sure which page the URL is for, click the little grey square with the arrow next to the URL for a preview.<\/p>\n

The data breakdown\u00a0by page\u00a0provides deeper insight into how visitors interact with each page:<\/p>\n