{"id":53861,"date":"2023-05-22T03:40:31","date_gmt":"2023-05-21T17:40:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/content.easyweddings.com\/au\/articles\/what-does-a-celebrant-do\/"},"modified":"2024-03-18T11:40:31","modified_gmt":"2024-03-18T00:40:31","slug":"what-does-a-celebrant-do","status":"publish","type":"au-article","link":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/articles\/what-does-a-celebrant-do\/","title":{"rendered":"What does a celebrant actually do?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Are you engaged and ready to start booking your essential suppliers? If so, you’ve probably started looking for a marriage celebrant. But what does a celebrant actually do? There’s so much more to the role than simply marrying a couple and taking care of the legalities.<\/p>\n

If you view them more as your number one fan and supporting character throughout your wedding experience, you’ll be able to better choose someone that aligns with your overall wedding vibe and personality.<\/p>\n

Carla Davern – Sydney Marriage Celebrant<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

From your initial wedding planning stage to the big day and beyond \u2014 your marriage celebrant<\/strong><\/a> handles a wide range of duties and extra special tasks. From assisting with music and ensuring your family knows what they’re doing to emceeing and liaising with your vendors.<\/p>\n

The level of involvement during your wedding day can vary, depending on your wedding style. If you’re after a simple yet magical elopement with little fuss \u2014 there are celebrants willing to get the basics done for you and leave it at that. If, however, you’re planning a more personalised ceremony, there are celebrants who will go above and beyond to craft a highly engaging, unforgettable moment for you and your guests. You’re investing in their creativity and expertise to ensure everything goes to plan.<\/p>\n

If you’re unsure as to what a celebrant offers throughout your wedding experience, here’s everything they can do before, during, and after your big day.<\/p>\nFind Your Celebrant<\/span><\/a>\n


Your first meeting<\/h3>\n

Celebrants usually offer couples a non-obligatory first meeting to get a sense of who you are, toss around ideas, and ultimately check out whether they match your wedding vision and personality as a couple. It’s a great opportunity to help your celebrant understand what you want and see if they can deliver your dream ceremony.<\/p>\n

These sessions usually go from half an hour to an hour over a cup of coffee. If you can’t physically meet up, many offer virtual chats instead.<\/p>\n

Writing your ceremony script<\/h3>\n

After you’ve met and booked your celebrant, they may provide you with a couple’s questionnaire to fill out. This will give them a greater sense of who you are and what chapters make up your unique love story. If your celebrant hasn’t already, they’ll talk you through the different types of ceremonies they’ve performed so that you can get an idea of what will best suit your vision.<\/p>\n

Based on your questionnaire and initial chats, your celebrant will write up a personalised ceremony script for you and welcome any changes or feedback you may have.<\/p>\n

The Colourful Celebrant, New South Wales<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Assisting with your vows<\/h3>\n

While some couples wish to write their own vows with little or no input, if you aren’t a wizz with words or prefer a little extra help \u2014 your celebrant is your go-to wordsmith! They’ll read through your initial thoughts and ensure your vows authentically represent your true feelings.<\/p>\n

One thing you might not think about is how your vows match one another in tone, style, and even length. Your celebrant can act as a great third party for you and your partner to ensure they work together without seeing what the other person has written.<\/p>\n

Looking for guidance on wedding vows for the groom? Discover our top tips and inspiration sources here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Add personalised touches<\/h3>\n

If you want your wedding ceremony to scream individuality, your marriage celebrant can help facilitate this! As Victoria’s Heartlight Celebrant<\/a><\/strong> states,<\/p>\n

‘They can arrange rituals and special effects such as doves and butterflies, but most importantly, they ensure your wedding goes smoothly with compassion, humour, and love!’<\/em><\/p>\n

They can naturally incorporate your chosen cultural traditions and rituals into your ceremony and join in on the fun, quirky, and daring aspects. From costume party weddings and pet involvement to formal, traditional affairs \u2014 they can add as many special touches as you desire.<\/p>\n

As Brisbane’s Patricia Greaves<\/a> <\/strong>expresses,<\/p>\n

‘Your Celebrant will be able to suggest possible verses, poems, and readings that you may wish to include in your ceremony. Your Celebrant will be able to assist you with any rituals that you may also like to include, such as a sand ritual.’<\/em><\/p>\n

Follow-up meetings<\/h3>\n

Most celebrants will offer couples unlimited communication in the lead-up to the wedding. If you have any questions, fears, or details to finalise \u2014 they’re always willing to discuss and put your mind at ease.<\/p>\n

They should ‘provide whatever quality time is needed to assist the couple to develop a ceremony that meets their needs and values. The time is provided in face-to-face, zoom, or mobile settings,’ as Bendigo’s Paul Fogarty<\/a><\/strong> expresses.<\/p>\n

Taking care of the legalities<\/h3>\n

Your celebrant will take care of all the nitty-gritty legal details, so you don’t have to worry!<\/p>\n

These may include:<\/p>\n