{"id":41012,"date":"2016-12-09T05:50:19","date_gmt":"2016-12-08T18:50:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/content.easyweddings.com\/au\/articles\/tips-for-proposing-to-your-partner\/"},"modified":"2021-11-10T05:25:42","modified_gmt":"2021-11-09T18:25:42","slug":"tips-for-proposing-to-your-partner","status":"publish","type":"au-article","link":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/articles\/tips-for-proposing-to-your-partner\/","title":{"rendered":"Tips for proposing to your partner"},"content":{"rendered":"
Preparing for a proposal can be nerve-wracking, but worth it after you take the plunge. Image: Adya Photography<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

We\u2019ve all seen the grand and OTT proposals on Hollywood productions, but for those of us who live in real life, preparing a proposal doesn\u2019t have to be expensive or clich\u00e9 to really tug at your partner\u2019s heartstrings. Here are some tips for proposing to your partner.<\/p>\n

When you know you have found \u2018the one\u2019 and would like to pop the big question, take some time to really think about what they like.<\/p>\n

Are they outdoorsy? Do they live at the beach? Do they enjoy little romantic gifts of chocolates, roses or wine? Are they adventurous? Do they have a passion for an author, a movie or a ???<\/p>\n

Keeping these little personality traits in mind will help guide you to a well-thought-out proposal, and that means more than throwing hundreds of dollars at a brass band to show up for a surprise performance of your fiance-to-be’s favorite love song in a public location for your proposal.<\/p>\n

(BTW, proposals where heaps of people will be watching for their reaction could cause your partner to bolt if they are a usually shy or sensitive person!)<\/p>\n

If your partner is quite traditional, you might have to add in some pre-proposal planning and meet with their father or both parents to ask their permission for your partner\u2019s hand.<\/p>\n

Even in these modern times, this simple step alone can mean so much to your future fianc\u00e9.<\/p>\n

Everyone is nervous about asking questions where they are not certain what the answer will be and a proposal is no exception.<\/p>\n

Even if you have been together for many years and declare your love for each other on a daily basis, it can still be hard to make the move and propose.<\/p>\n

Try not to ask your partner for tips or advice on what they want as a proposal (but do take notes if they offer them of their own free will) because the surprise factor is one of the best things about a proposal.<\/p>\n

And when the time comes, no matter what you say even if you\u2019ve written them an epic poem or composed a rock ballad in their honour, it\u2019s essential that you finish with the precise words \u201cWill you marry me?\u201d<\/p>\n

We all know the best things in life are free, so here are some creative ways you can propose that won\u2019t tear a hole in your wallet or purse.<\/p>\n

Get back to nature<\/h2>\n

If your partner loves being outdoors, head out for a hike, a mountain climb or a day at a secluded beach. You could pack a little picnic lunch and a bottle of champagne for when they say yes to your proposal in their favourite setting.<\/p>\n

If you love being outdoors, take advantage of the beauty of nature when proposing. Image: Adya Photography<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Treasure hunt<\/h2>\n

Send your unsuspecting partner on a treasure hunt that ends with your proposal. Start with a handwritten note or a text message with a clue at home that could lead to places around the house or neighborhood, or to a tour of your favorite spots all over town.<\/p>\n

Shake it out<\/h2>\n

If your partner likes to shake their groove thing, go out for a night of dancing and ask the DJ or bandleader to pass you the mic so you can dedicate a song and propose on the dance floor.<\/p>\n

Hijack a holiday<\/h2>\n

If you are planning a holiday together, you might be able to capitalise on the romance of a destination proposal on the beach, in the mountains or wherever you may be.<\/p>\n

Indulge a passion<\/h2>\n

If your partner LOVES a certain book, movie, TV series or board game, dress up in character or take them somewhere that could be connected to it to make your proposal more personalised<\/p>\n

Dressing up or visiting a place that will thrill the inner fan in your partner could be a winner when proposing. Image: In an Instant Photography<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Gift within a gift<\/h2>\n

If your partner loves getting little gifts, you could place a ring on the stem of a rose or inside a box of chocolates (in the jewelry box, so it doesn\u2019t get lost).<\/p>\n

Cook up a treat<\/h2>\n

If you are crafty in the kitchen, you could make an intimate dinner at home and when it\u2019s time for dessert, pop the ring on top of the dessert for a great surprise.<\/p>\n

If you are not a Masterchef in waiting, you can always do a similar thing, but at a restaurant with the assistance of the staff.<\/p>\n

Either way, place the ring in plain sight, not hidden inside as diamonds have been swallowed before and waiting for it to pass won\u2019t be a pretty way to start your engagement.<\/p>\n

Go old school<\/h2>\n

Throwback to your childhood with a proposal written in chalk on your street or driveway, or if you have fridge letters, you could rearrange them to spell out \u2018Will you marry me?\u2019<\/p>\n

The power cut<\/h2>\n

Make a trail of safe tea light candles into a room and place a circle of them around the jewellery box. When you partner comes home, turn off all the lights and wait for them on bended knee by the ring.<\/p>\n\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":6461,"template":"","au_article_tag":[19,58,852,1523],"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au-article\/41012"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au-article"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/au-article"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au-article\/41012\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/6461"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=41012"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"au_article_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au_article_tag?post=41012"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}