{"id":34901,"date":"2014-07-25T06:09:24","date_gmt":"2014-07-24T20:09:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/content.easyweddings.com\/au\/articles\/10-wedding-traditions-bring-back-big-day\/"},"modified":"2021-11-10T03:22:44","modified_gmt":"2021-11-09T16:22:44","slug":"10-wedding-traditions-bring-back-big-day","status":"publish","type":"au-article","link":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/articles\/10-wedding-traditions-bring-back-big-day\/","title":{"rendered":"10 wedding traditions to bring back for your big day"},"content":{"rendered":"

It\u2019s such a shame so many of the loveliest wedding traditions have lost popularity among modern couples who may think they’re too old fashioned, too cheesy, or just too much effort to include. Bring back these ten lovely traditions for your wedding day, we say!<\/p>\n


Something old, something new…<\/h3>\n

We all know the rhyme about having or wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue on you when you wed, but how many brides now actually wear all these things on their wedding day?<\/p>\n

Something new is easy as most bridal gowns are new, but the something old part seems to have fallen out of favour. Wearing something old symbolises continuity with the past, so ask your mother or grandmother for a special piece of jewellery or something else that you can incorporate into your wedding outfit.<\/p>\n


A sixpence in your shoe<\/h3>\n

The less well known ending of the above rhyme is the line about putting a sixpence in your shoe. Traditionally, brides would put a sixpence coin in their left shoe as a symbol of luck, and to bless the marriage with wealth and prosperity.<\/p>\n

In Sweden brides put a coin from one parent in their left shoe and a coin from the other parent in their right shoe to ensure they never go without. It might not be that comfortable for dancing, but why not pop a coin in your shoe just for the ceremony? A five-cent coin shouldn’t be too painful?<\/p>\n


Keeping the bride a surprise<\/h3>\n

The tradition that says a groom shouldn\u2019t see his bride before the wedding might not have the best background, as it started with arranged marriages where the couple weren\u2019t allowed to meet at all before the wedding.<\/p>\n

However we still think it\u2019s cute if the first time the groom sees the bride \u2013 and of course her wedding dress \u2013 is at the wedding ceremony as she\u2019s walking down the aisle, and these adorable first-look wedding photos prove we’re onto something!<\/p>\n


Tying a knot<\/h3>\n

It\u2019s a popular phrase referring to getting married, but where does the line \u2018tying the knot\u2019 come from? Its origins are probably in the Celtic practise of hand fasting, where the bride and groom\u2019s hands are tied together to symbolise their engagement. Knots have been associated with marriage and unbreakable promises for centuries, so think about how you can include the knot symbol in your wedding day.<\/p>\n

\nPlant a tree<\/h3>\n

This is one of our all-time favourite marriage traditions. In European such as Holland and Switzerland, a tree is planted at the couple\u2019s new home as part of their wedding ceremony. It is thought to represent luck and fertility, and couples can watch the tree grow as their marriage and family flourish. If you\u2019re looking for an alternative to a more traditional wedding ceremony, planting a tree can be a symbolic activity.<\/p>\n


Keep a tier of wedding cake<\/h3>\n

Traditionally couples would keep a tier of their wedding cake to celebrate the birth of their first child. This was fairly easy to do when wedding cakes were made from fruit cake and children were expected to arrive within the first year of marriage. Most wedding cakes can now be successfully frozen and kept for up to a year, whatever they are made from, so why not stick with tradition and keep your top tier \u2013 perhaps using it to celebrate your first anniversary if you don\u2019t plan to have kids right away.<\/p>\n


Kissing over the cake<\/h3>\n

Sticking with the wedding cake theme, there was a medieval tradition that couples who were able to kiss over a large stack of wedding cake would have a lifetime of prosperity. This tradition eventually led to the tiered wedding cakes we\u2019re so familiar with today.\u00a0 So if you\u2019re looking for good fortune in marriage, ensure you and your new spouse sneak a quick peck over your wedding cake!<\/p>\n


Five sugared almonds<\/h3>\n

Couples are becoming ever more creative with their wedding bomboniere, giving guests items everything from personalised gifts to seed packets and biscuit recipes.<\/p>\n

However, this does mean that the traditional bomboniere \u2013 five sugared almonds wrapped in tulle \u2013 is rarely seen.<\/p>\n

The almonds represent health, wealth, happiness, fertility, and longevity \u2013 so, it’s a lovely gesture to keep as part of your wedding day. In Greece if an unmarried woman puts the almonds under her pillow, it is believed she will dream of her future husband.<\/p>\n

You may want to mention that to all the single ladies linking up to catches the bouquet!<\/p>\n

\nLeaving the wedding in style<\/h3>\n

Making a grand exit from the wedding reception has lost popularity as couples want to party with friends and family until the end, and are often staying at the reception venue, or in the same hotel as their guests.<\/p>\n

However, the grand old tradition of a big send off – complete with the couple changing into a new going-away outfit, throwing the bouquet, and then setting off into the sunset in a car covered in \u2018just married\u2019 signs trailing tin cans behind them – is still a memorable moment and one of the highlights of the wedding.<\/p>\n

\nCarrying the bride over the threshold<\/h3>\n

Traditionally, the groom would carry the bride over the threshold of their new marital home when they returned from their honeymoon to protect her from any evil spirits that might be lurking around.<\/p>\n

The traditional has died out as most couples now live together before they get married, but we think it\u2019s still a lovely gesture and a great way to mark the first time you return home as husband and wife.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":4080,"template":"","au_article_tag":[56,353,617,618,249],"class_list":["post-34901","au-article","type-au-article","status-publish","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","au_article_category-wedding-fun-meme","au_article_tag-bomboniere","au_article_tag-something-blue","au_article_tag-traditions","au_article_tag-wedding-tradition","au_article_tag-wedding-traditions"],"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au-article\/34901"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au-article"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/au-article"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au-article\/34901\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/4080"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=34901"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"au_article_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.easyweddings.com.au\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/au_article_tag?post=34901"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}