5 ways you can start using video for business

Easy Weddings
Updated on: March 19, 2018

With the rise of platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, visual marketing is now more influential than ever before. And video marketing and social promotion is no exception. It builds a deeper connection with your audience, is in massive demand, and is also favoured by many social algorithms.

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Native videos on Facebook receive triple the engagement and 1200% more shares than other types of post on Facebook.

The good news is that it’s now cheaper and easier than ever to create engaging video content you can share to boost your brand profile and increase engagement.

Here are five ways you can increase your video content production.

Use Instagram stories

If you haven’t already started experimenting with Instagram stories, now is the time to do so. Rather than getting caught up with other posts in the Instagram timeline, stories stay at the top of the feed for 24 hours. Meaning that your business is front of mind even if your potential audience hasn’t seen your native Insta posts.

Instagram stories can also be more authentic and relatable. You don’t need to worry about the aesthetic of your Insta grid with stories, and can instead share bonus content you might not otherwise share.

By using all the features in Instagram stories such as Boomerangs, stickers and different types of text, the algorithm will also favour your posts.

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Schedule Facebook Live content

Similar to Instagram stories, live video can be more relatable, authentic and forgiving than traditional video. It also receives six times more engagement than other videos uploaded to Facebook.

By scheduling regular Facebook Live content you can help develop an audience who is interested in your updates and knows when to tune in.

The best length for a Facebook live video is around 15 minutes. That will give people time to tune into your video and get you more live views. But remember, don’t get distracted by comments. If you’re on a particular train of thought let people know that you will respond to any questions at the end and reward those viewers who stay for the entire duration of your live video.

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Reuse content you already have access to

Gifs, memes and video slideshows are all different types of video that you can create easily and with little cost with readily available content. Sites such as Giphy, ImgFlip and Kapwing allow you to create different types of engaging content that are short and shareable for your audience. You can often use these tools for free with a small watermark of the brand, or they usually charge a low fee per month for clean non-watermarked videos.

Other programs such as Animoto and Slide.ly are great to use when you don’t have your own video content and instead have photos. You can create animated photos slideshows and marketing videos quickly and easily, and they even come with their own royalty free music for you to use as well.

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Host webinars or tutorials

Hosting webinars, tutorials or other educational content can be a great way of showing that you’re an authority or expert in your category. It can be as easy as showing people how they can put a bouquet together for example, or you can create a business webinar that people can register for. Sites such as Zoom.us are a great tool for hosting registered webinars, while Facebook Live is simple and easy for shorter or more broad tutorials.

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Experiment with new technology

With the rise of VR and 360 degrees videos, it’s easier than ever to experiment with new technology. 360-degree videos can be filmed easily on your phone and can help immerse potential couples even further into your brand. You could use them to showcase your wedding setup or even to show people where you are located at a wedding expo.

VR tours are the more advanced version of this and can be particularly useful for venues. Couples can walk through your venue and get an idea of how they want their wedding before they come in. VR features are also being integrated into Google Maps, meaning that anyone can view your venue regardless of whether they’re on your website or storefront.

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Bonus tip:

Many of you would already be aware of the changes that Facebook is making to its algorithm. They will be promoting content that increases meaningful interactions rather than content that could be considered clickbait. So calling on your audience to ‘share’ or ‘like’ your post will likely devalue your content.

But there are still ways around this. If you still want to encourage your followers to share your post or tag a friend, without Facebook’s algorithm devaluing your post, put this call to action in your video instead. That way you still have the opportunity to include your call to action without being devalued by Facebook.

Click here for more information on Easy Weddings’ VR venue tours.

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