5 tips for targeting your social media ads

Easy Weddings
Updated on: October 23, 2019

Social media has become one of the largest avenues for business advertising. But it can also be one of the trickiest to navigate. And a channel that can become very expensive very quickly!

We know that our target market of engaged couples are using Facebook and Instagram in their day to day activities. So if you want to boost your marketing in addition to your Easy Weddings advertising, ads on Facebook and Instagram could be a good fit for your business.

The trick, as with all advertising, is to make sure you track your ads to see whether they’re converting. There’s no point in running a social media campaign if it doesn’t add anything to your business.

Targeting the right couples is a big element of this. We’ve taken a look at the top 5 things to target on Facebook and Instagram to make sure that you can reach the right couples. Then it’s just a case of monitoring your campaign to make sure it works.

targeting social ads

Target by region

Most wedding businesses are operating in a particular region or location so targeting couples who are in this region will help make sure your leads are more qualified. Look at targeting in ‘Melbourne’, ‘Sydney’, ‘Brisbane’ etc if you’re in one of the major capital cities.

Select the regions that you want to work in, or where your target market is living, to make the most out of this regional targeting.

targeting social ads

Select the right time of day

Like your organic social media posts, making sure you’re posting when your audience is online can increase the likelihood of your ads succeeding.

If you have a particular budget in a day you want to make sure that’s being used at the best possible time or day, rather than being wasted across other times and less qualified leads.

A good way to test this is to see when couples are engaging with your organic posts. This will give you an idea of when your target market is online.

targeting social ads

Use subtitles on video ads

Video can be an incredibly useful tool for advertising and social media posts in general. But did you know that more than 80% of all videos on social media are watched with the sound off?!

If you have a video as part of an ad make the most of it by adding subtitles or captions. You don’t want to be wasting money on producing a video if you’re not optimising it with subtitles for social media.

Be aware that different platforms and formats will have different listening rates as well. Videos on the Facebook newsfeed and Instagram feed will be listened to without sound. Instagram stories, however, are more likely to be listened to with sound.

Either way, make sure you have those captions on your video for all viewing. If your video does have sound, the audio should add additional value rather than being there just for the sake of it.

targeting social ads

Have the right call-to-action

All of your Facebook and Instagram ads should have a call-to-action. The trick is to find the right one for your business.

A call-to-action that is ‘learn more’ is a softer call than something that might be ‘sign up’. See which one is more likely to work for your product or service. Which leads us into our next point.

targeting social ads

Split-test ads

Any ad you run on Facebook or Instagram should be split-tested to make sure you can optimise it for your audience. This means running different variations of the same ad.

Split-test three versions of an ad that has the same text but different images to see how your audience reacts to the image. Change the text but have the same image to see which text will convert better. Split-test which call-to-action button works better on the ad once you have your text and image optimised.

Split-testing will help you make the most out of every ad and every campaign on social media.

targeting social ads

Read more about optimising your business for social media here.

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