Awards seasons is nearly upon us – so get your reviews in!

Easy Weddings
Updated on: May 23, 2019

Awards season at Easy Weddings is coming up fast, so it’s time to get those reviews in before the end of the financial year.

Easy Weddings has one of the largest review systems in the country, with more than 240,000 verified reviews from real couples on the site. Every year our 5-star supplier awards recognise the vendors in the wedding industry whose service is so exemplary their own customers have rated them a perfect 5/5 on their Easy Weddings storefront.

Our 5-star supplier certificates have been spotted on the walls of businesses around the country, even making an appearance in shows including Married At First Sight.

Here’s how you can earn a 5-star certificate this year, and what you need to do before June 30 to be eligible.

New Suppliers (online for less than 12 months)

New suppliers to Easy Weddings are eligible to receive a certificate if they achieve one or more 5-star reviews within their first 12 months on the platform.

Suppliers who have been online for 12+ months

If you’ve been online with Easy Weddings for more than one year then you’ll be eligible to receive a 5-star supplier certificate if you achieve five or more 5-star reviews and have an average rating of 4.7 stars or above before June 30.


How to get more 5-star reviews

Research shows that if you ask couples for a review twice, you have a 1 in 3 chance of obtaining that review. Alternatively, if you only ask once then it’s a lower 1 in 5 chance.

If you’ve already reached out to couples twice without success, we can help you. You can submit couples for Easy Weddings to contact on your behalf via our review system in the WedCRM.

Make sure you submit your client details before June 1st so we have time to contact them before the end of the financial year, otherwise you may not be eligible.

And remember, any couple who leaves a review on Easy Weddings has the chance to win $10,000 cash* in our next competition!


How to ask for reviews

Step 1 – Find the reviews section in the WedCRM

Once you login to your WedCRM find the reviews tab on the left-hand side. Once in the reviews section go to the top toolbar and select ‘request reviews’


Step 2 – Request reviews through the single-review link

You can send a specialised single review link to your couples to ask them to leave a review for your business alone. Alternatively, you can request reviews through the public Easy Weddings review link which requires a minimum of 5 reviews.

supplier link

Step 3 – Request reviews through Easy Weddings

If you’ve already asked couples for reviews, you can submit their details to us and we’ll call them on your behalf.

request reviews

*Competition terms and conditions apply. LIC # NSW: LTPS/18/25731 SA T18/432. Excl. ACT.

Login to WedCRM to start getting more reviews now. 

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