How to sell to millennials

Easy Weddings
Updated on: February 27, 2017

selling to millenials

How to sell to millennials? We’re all familiar with the stereotypes of the baby boomer generation, the Gen X and then Gen Y’s, but the upcoming millennials can be harder to pinpoint when it comes to finding the right marketing strategy to reel in their business.

Who are they? While this can vary, millennials are generally considered those who were born between 1982 and 1995. This makes them aged between 22 and 35 and are most likely to make up the majority of the wedding industry clients as they reach that pivotal stage in their relationships and look at marriage.

Millennials communicate, shop for products and purchase them differently than any previous generation, so it is important to get an understanding of some of their generational stereotypes so you can effectively vie for their business.

Save the sales pitch

Mad men sales pitch gif

Millennials have grown up being subjected to more advertising than any generation before. It comes at them from all angles, television, radio, the internet, billboards, social media suggested posts, website pop-ups. You name it, they live with it every day.

What that means, however, is that they have become adept at tuning out advertisements in all their forms. They also do not have the time of day for a lengthy sales pitch from a company and businesses need to be succinct and offer them something they specifically need or want.

For millennial couples seeking products and services in the wedding industry, you are already working with a partially captive audience – you will need to use your point of difference to win them over.

ABC becomes ABH

The traditional business model “Always be closing” has evolved to “Always be helpful” for millennials.

They need to feel like more than a number or a faceless person in a crowd of clients. Make millennials feel like they are a valued client and not just an open wallet, and they will quickly become loyal customers and speak highly of your business among their friends and family, providing you with priceless word-of-mouth advertising.

Loyalty from millennials can also be earned through product quality and your business’ support of the wider community.

It’s all about the visual

Millennials have grown up learning, researching and purchasing on a screen, so being visually captivating in your online presence is the key to being noticed.

Technology rules

technology rules

Millennials prefer texting, messaging through social media and emailing more than phone calls and face-to-face visits.

In a technological world where everything is at their fingertips, they expect the businesses they interact with to be switched on 24/7, or at best, respond to their enquiries efficiently. If you don’t, they will quickly move on.

Often their first experience of a business is online and if your business is not fully accessible on all devices, you are effectively making your business irrelevant in the eyes of a millennial.

They know their stuff

Millennials can answer the basic questions about your business with a quick online search and they will often already know all about your product or service through research and reading online reviews before they make initial contact with you.

The way to capture them when they do make contact is to become a helpful resource. Rather than talking you or the business up, offer advice on how you can help them specifically and provide solutions to any barriers they may present to you.

Make it personal and make them feel like what you are doing is unique for them and you will have their attention.

Be transparent

Brand transparency is one of the leading requirements for millennials.

For hair and cosmetic industries, disclosing the ingredients of products you claim to be all-natural will win them over, for garment designers, highlighting what percentage of the garment was handmade in Australia or where its origins are can be a great selling point.

Millennials care deeply about social justice, the environment, and healthy alternatives, so highlighting any of these will boost your credibility – but be genuine about it.

A quick Google search can quickly debunk any false or unresearched claims you make.

Transparency can also be achieved in the service industries by fully disclosing all fees and charges at the initial consultation, so there are no financial surprises down the track.

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