How to Ask for Reviews and Why They Add Value to Your Business

Updated on: March 8, 2024

Weddings are generally a one-time-only service, so reviews are an important tool for social proof. This article will walk you through how to ask your couples for reviews and why they add value to your Easy Weddings storefront.

Why Are Reviews Important?

Having your happy clients leave you a glowing review is the best way to show off who you are as a business and tell future couples how well they can expect you will interact and communicate with them to plan their wedding.

Our data shows us that just a single customer review increases your chances of a booking by 25%, however, 11+ reviews can increase your results up to 200%. Once you receive 40+ reviews, your chances of results are increased by a whopping 300%.

Ask couples you have worked with over the past few months — especially those you know were happy with your service — to leave a 5-star review on your Easy Weddings storefront. It will help you to get noticed by future couples who are considering enquiring with you.

To incentivise the task for your couples, anyone who leaves a review on Easy Weddings goes into the draw to win a cash prize of $2,500. We draw one lucky winner every quarter!

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How to Ask Couples for Reviews: 4 Steps

Requesting a review from a couple is easy.

  1. Simply head to your Easy Weddings WedCRM.
  2. On the left-hand side, click reviews, and at the top pink bar, select REQUEST REVIEWS
  3. Click the Reviews tab at the top to find your unique URL, as shown in the image below.
  4. From there, copy your unique URL into the below email template that our content team has drafted to help you, and paste it into an email. It should be:[YourBusinessName]

Review request

Review Request Template

To help you ask your couples to leave a review on Easy Weddings, below is a template:

[Subject] Can I count on you to rate us 5-Stars?

Hey [NAME],

Congratulations on tying the knot — we hope you’re settling well into married life!

We were thrilled to be part of your wedding day and would love it if you could take a few minutes to leave a 5-Star review on our Easy Weddings profile. It would mean the world to us!

Reviews make us stand out from the crowd and give us credibility when other couples read about how we helped bring your dream day to life.

As a bonus, each review you leave on Easy Weddings gives you a chance to win a $2,500 cash prize. Good luck!

Can I count on you to rate us 5-Stars? Click on the link below.

[insert your unique review link here. See above image]

Again, congratulations on your wedding! We can’t wait to hear how it went.

Best wishes,



Email a copy of the above template to your couples, and your unique link will take them directly to your Easy Weddings storefront to leave a review.

iStock reviews

How Many Times Should I Ask for a Review?

After their wedding, newlyweds usually fly on Cloud 9 and well-meaning couples often forget about reviewing their wedding suppliers unless prompted. So it’s totally acceptable to ask for a review more than once if your client has not yet left one.

Asking once will generally get a response from 1 in 5 people. But asking the same people twice, if they haven’t already responded, ups your response rate by 1 in 3. So don’t hesitate to ask more than once.

Asking a second time, around six to eight weeks after the wedding, is a good timeframe because the client would have usually received their photos or video by now, and they will be keen to re-live the magic of their wedding day.

We Can Contact Clients on Your Behalf

If you’ve already reached out to couples twice without success, we can help you.  You can provide the Easy Weddings Review Team with your couple’s information and they will contact them for you to request a review.

You can submit couples for Easy Weddings to contact on your behalf via our Request Review system, also available in the Reviews section of your WedCRM.

Learn More

In the below video, Easy Weddings Packages Manager Chelsea takes us through the importance of reviews and how to get your happy clients to leave more of them on your Easy Weddings storefront.

Do you need some help with your Easy Weddings storefront?

If you’re after some help with your Easy Weddings storefront, please reach out to our customer service team on 1800 155 122 or email: We are always happy to help.

For more inspo about reviews and why they are so important, read our article ’10 things you need to know about reviews from wedding industry experts’.

If you’d like to catch up on our previous webinars, you can also watch our library of Professional Development videos, here.

If you aren’t yet online with Easy Weddings and want to level up your visibility and earn more reviews, submit an online enquiry form here, and we’ll be in touch.

Read more wedding business tips here

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