EW’s Annual Australian wedding survey results 2015

Easy Weddings
Updated on: November 13, 2015
A shot from Easy Weddings 2015 TV ad
A scene from Easy Weddings 2015 TV commercial

More than 2,200 Australian brides (and a few grooms, too) responded to the Easy Weddings Annual Australian Wedding Survey for 2015 – and all the final results can be found below.

The survey is the biggest in the country and, every year, provides the most up-to-date picture of Australia’s wedding industry and Australia’s brides.

“Easy Weddings collects the responses in order to help us build the best, most relevant tools and products for Australia’s brides,” says Easy Weddings’ Commercial Director Adrian Christian, “but also to ensure our suppliers are able to use the insights they provide to better promote their own products and services to couples.”

“One of the most surprising things we discovered this year was that 71% of couples attend at least one wedding in the 12 months prior to their own wedding.”

That means potential customers are likely to experience your products or services long before
they choose their own suppliers in the same category, so every wedding you service is a chance to showcase your work to potential customers.

“Not only is it a chance to get in front of future brides,” adds Adrian, “but you’ll be seen by future grooms, bridesmaids and parents of couples marrying. No matter how big or small a wedding, always put your best foot forward. You never know who will see – and want – your offerings.”

Among this year’s findings is the following:

  • The anticipated cost of a wedding is $28,048
  • The original wedding budget, however, is $23,584
  • The actual wedding cost is $36,200*
    So, final costs are, on average, 53% higher than the original budget
  • The average length of an engagement is 21 months
  • 29.2 is the median age at marriage for women
  • 32 is the median age at marriage for men
  • Blue, pink white and purple are the most popular wedding colour themes
  • 100.4 is the average number of guests (This is down from 105 in 2005)
  • 79% support same-sex marriage
  • USA/Hawaii, Fiji, Europe and Thailand are the most popular overseas honeymoon destinations
  • 91.4% of couples are having a honeymoon
  • October, November, September and March are the most popular months in which to marry (in order of popularity)
  • July, June, January and May are the least popular months in which to marry

Easy Weddings Annual survey

We’ve compiled the results into a beautiful 20-page ebook that also contains insights you can use to help plan your business activities over the coming year.

* Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s estimate of the average cost of a wedding in Australia

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