Show us your Five-Star Supplier certificates: and the winner is…

Easy Weddings
Updated on: November 12, 2015
Cindy's Cake creations - five-star stupplier - easy weddings
Entries in our Five-Star Supplier awards ranged from the truly gorgeous to the amazingly creative!

In September, Easy Weddings sent out more than 1550 Five-Star Supplier certificates to wedding vendors across the country who achieved five-star ratings from their own customers.

Every frame was lovingly assembled and packed by an Easy Weddings team member and we’ve been thrilled with the response from clients who took to social media to show off their awards.

We were (delightfully) surprised by just how creative some of our vendors were in displaying their frames online, from Victorian celebrant Erin Rollason who posted her picture from a hospital bed (get well soon, Erin) to South Australian cake makers Sweet Creams who re-created their award in icing – and whipped up a bunch of suitably themed cupcakes to celebrate.

Every supplier that posted their award on social media using the #EasyWeddings hashtag went into the running to win up to $2000 in EW advertising.

Choosing a winner wasn’t easy, as you’ll see from just some of the entries displayed below, but this year’s award goes to Sydney celebrant Mel Armstrong Jones who Photoshopped her award into 20+ scenes, including up trees, underwater, in people’s arms and, even, dotted along the Great Wall of China. You can see some of her brilliantly inventive images in the gallery below but you can also see them on her Facebook page.

“We were looking for something really fun and creative that went beyond a simple picture of the certificate,” said said Matt Butterworth, Easy Weddings’ CEO.

“The team was very, very impressed with the caliber of entries we received in this year’s competition and, though it was incredibly difficult, Mel Armstrong Jones took that notion of creativity to an unexpected level.”

Among Mel’s entries were pictures of her favourite rugby players running with her frame, dolphins swimming with her frame (because, as one of her clients says, ‘Mel’s flipping awesome’) and a picture of the mighty Taj Mahal – watched over by two of her giant frames.

Marriage celebrant Mel Armstrong Jones (4)
New York’s Time Square filled with billboards featuring our winner Mel Armstrong Jones’ frames.

She even recruited her mother and children Morgan and Amelie to bolster her campaign.

“I came up the ideas using all the names, places and people that I’m passionate about or that I work with within my business,” said a thrilled Mel, who has been with Easy Weddings less than a year. “I also thought about where I’d like to be seen; on the back of a bus or on a billboard in Times Square, for example, and I incorporated those ideas into my posts,” she adds.

So impressed with all the efforts was Matt, he insisted on a runner-up prize, $500 in EW advertising. This year’s runner-up prize goes to another celebrant, Melbourne-based Charis White, whose picture (below) also portrayed her family celebrating her win.

“I think this picture really illustrates what the wedding industry – and weddings in general – are all about; families and celebration,” said Matt.

“Charis truly exemplifies what Easy Weddings’ Five-Star Supplier awards are about. In the four years she’s been with us, she has collected more than 80 reviews, most of them five-star reviews and, as a result, she sees more than double the enquiries of most others in the same category.”

Runner-up: Melbourne celebrant Charis White's family-friendly award picture
Runner-up: Melbourne celebrant Charis White’s family-friendly award picture

Congratulations to all our Five-Star Suppliers. The competition was hot this year – and we’re not sure why celebrants stood out so much this year – but you may want to start thinking about how you’re going to display next year’s award. Good luck.

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