Brand Positivity (and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever)

Easy Weddings
Updated on: September 24, 2020

Brand = Meaning = Money

When you’re the only trained brand futurist in Australia; a Marketing Lecturer at RMIT; the Founder and Principal Consultant at brand strategy and innovation firm SURGE; and the recent co-founder of Australia’s first TikTok agency for business, TikMyDay – it’s safe to say you know a few things (and then some) about brands! Importantly, what they are and why brand positivity matters.

The incredible Sergio Brodsky on the webinar Brand Positivity and Why it Matters Now, More Than Ever hit home some truths that we as people, as customers, and as clients, are now more than ever craving positive content from the brands who we know, love and trust, and how you can and should be making your brand a bigger part of your overall business strategy in order to achieve greater success and loyalty for your business.

Sergio wears many hats, but for this Easy Weddings Webinar session, he wore his SURGE and TikMyDay hats. With Sergio’s SURGE hat, he spoke about the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of branding, and with his TikMyDay hat, he spoke about brand positivity and why it matters.

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If you want to fully understand the meaning behind building your brand, you need to watch this webinar!

It’s time well invested to appreciate how deep the value of your brand runs and that brand isn’t just a surface topic, it is a part of your business’s DNA.

It covers:

  • Why do people choose one brand over a similar brand?
  • Why do some brands command a higher price point for an almost identical product to yours?
  • Why do some brands have a greater following than others?
  • Is there a brand name or style that resonates with you?
  • Do you and your team embody your brand, or are you just a business owner and name?

What makes your business great? When you know what that is, it becomes the secret sauce of your brand management. The better you do that, the better your brand will do, and thus you will create a greater impact for your business. Anyone can copy your product. It’s your brand that has the unique meaning that imprints in people’s minds…

Otherwise, all you are selling is the sausage, not the sizzle, and we all know that it’s the sizzle that adds value, not the sausage itself.

Sergio highlights that distinction is very different from differentiation; differentiation is how you position yourself, distinction is how you make yourself recognisable. A perfect example used during the webinar was the silhouette of the Coke bottle; you don’t need to see the logo or the colour of the label; you know it’s a Coke bottle.  Its shape is distinctive, and you can recognise it anywhere in the world.

The slogan ‘Just Do It’ doesn’t need to say Nike for you to know and recognise what brand these three words belong to. You remember it, you don’t need to think about it, and that is the goal with your consumers – it’s for them to remember you and being distinctive is what is going to give you a massive edge.

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Sergio summarised his position on branding and branding positivity perfectly, by saying

Would you rather do business with someone that makes you angry, or with someone that makes you happy? With that in mind comes the idea of competitive positivity.

This really is a must-watch webinar, you won’t be disappointed with even the small takeaways you can implement into either yourself or your business.

This webinar and Sergio really only scratched the surface on branding and branding positivity. We are sure Sergio will be joining Amy on the screen again to delve deeper into this crucial business element. If you have any questions about branding and your business, please do send them through or free to reach out to Sergio personally, you can tell he absolutely loves what he does.

Full webinar recording: 

Presentation deck: 

Best Postive Branding examples to follow on any social channel:

Best Positive Branding examples to follow on TikTok:

  • The Washington Post
  • Gymshark
  • MAC Cosmetics
  • Chipotle
  • Calvin Klein
  • BMW
  • Crocs

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