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Easy Weddings

Reach today's couples and book more weddings.

    Australia's largest and most trusted wedding destination.

    See why we have been trusted by thousands of wedding businesses since 2000.

    • 24 Years of Proven Results
    • 4,000 wedding suppliers across all categories
    • 300,000 Supplier Reviews
    • 290,000 Monthly Visitors
    • World Renowned Suite of Apps
    • Ranked No.1 on Google

    See what Easy Weddings
    can do for your business!

    Your personalised storefront

    Your personalised storefront

    Your Easy Weddings storefront is targeted to thousands of couples looking for your service on their wedding day. You'll be exposed to more of your target demographic in your area through your directory listing as well as geo-targeted searches through the app.

    Connect with more couples and book more weddings

    Reach More Couples
    Boost couples' confidence with Easy Weddings Reviews

    Boost couples' confidence with Easy Weddings Reviews

    Easy Weddings has the largest and most trusted reviews system in Australia. We collect feedback for wedding businesses like yours from thousands of couples every year. This adds credibility and social proof that helps potential clients feel secure in booking you for their big day.

    Access to a huge social media fan base

    Access to a huge social media fan base

    Get featured in editorial content shared to our social fan base of over 200K. The largest social following of any Wedding Industry group in Australia.




    Enquiries direct to your inbox from couples who are ready to book your services

    Enquiries direct to your inbox from couples who are ready to book your services

    Receive more highly qualified enquiries than any other wedding site in the country. Our team is dedicated to guiding you on how to achieve a great ROI from your enquiries and storefront.

    Are you ready to grow your business?

    Promote Your Business
    Supplier networking, education + events

    Supplier networking, education + events

    Join over 5000 other like-minded wedding suppliers online for daily discussion, breaking industry news and special events with the Easy Weddings Supplier Network social media channels. Plus, get first access to industry leading webinars, podcasts and pro-education articles to help your business thrive.

    World class industry-leading analytics specific to wedding businesses

    World class industry-leading analytics specific to wedding businesses

    Get real-time notifications of client enquiries to be able respond quicker and optimise your chance of conversion with the WedCRM desktop program and app. Update your storefront, view statistics and manage your sales pipeline and calendar without having to rely on external providers.

    Are you looking to book more weddings?

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    What our wedding suppliers are saying

    Read a few testimonials from our suppliers

    Reviewed by Zhu C
    Veri Photography

    We've been with Easy Weddings from early start of our business 7 years ago and have achieved significant growth with fantastic support from them all along the way especially Sarah and Lily. Truly the No. 1 website for weddings in Australia. Keep up the great work Team! Cheers!

    Zhu C

    Reviewed by Kat M
    Inglewood Estate

    We get a lot of enquiries and a lot of support from the Easy Weddings staff. The thing that impresses me the most is their professionalism, and their knowledge of the industry. Easy Weddings is the top referring site in inspections and bride enquiries. What they do, they do really really well, and the support is always there.

    Kat M

    Reviewed by Zena L
    Zena Lythgo Celebrant

    Easy Weddings helped make my move to a FT celebrant, effortless. The team are so helpful in every way. They built my website for me, helped with my copy & Sarah Shaw who handles my account is such a dream! She gives great advice, insights and support to get the most out of my listing. I really appreciate the way Easy Weddings has supported me through out Covid-19 and helped keep some leads coming my way..

    Zena L

    Reviewed by Andrew H
    Passion8 Photography

    As a photographer, I have been using Easy Weddings for a number of years now. They have always lead the way to get me in front of wedding couples. Highly recommended.

    Andrew H

    Reviewed by Nick R
    Nick Read Entertainment

    Working with my accounts manager with an Easy Weddings profile has been an incredible experience. I'm able to get so many leads and help build my profile as well as get helpful professional advice on how to present my product. My accounts manager Belinda Letts is incredible and goes above and beyond to ensure I get the most out of my subscription as a supplier.

    Nick R

    Reviewed by Jenny L
    Le Fabulous

    I have been advertising with Easy Weddings since the start of my business 9 years ago. A lot of brides have booked me through Easy Weddings. They are very professional and the staff are wonderful. Sarah Shaw, our Account Manager is very friendly, efficient and always ready for a chat if I have any questions. Thank you Easy weddings for your endless support. Jenny from Le Fabulous.

    Jenny L

    Reviewed by Tabitha A
    Burnt Orange

    Easy Weddings is a great platform for wedding suppliers to advertise their services and introduce couples to their business. The support, advice and sense of community provided by Easy Weddings has also been greatly appreciated by our team. Thanks Easy Weddings.

    Tabitha A

    Reviewed by Brendan and Adam
    Something Borrowed

    We have been a supplier advertising on easy weddings for approximately one year and they have been fantastic. The support and customer service has been second to none and we have certainly made our money back in bookings. A really well run site with great people at the helm!

    Brendan and Adam

    Find out how to grow
    with Easy Weddings