‘Say yes to everything’ – one of the sticky notes bearing words of advice from a Kitchen Tea attendee
We recently attended a wonderful Kitchen Tea – and had such a lovely time playing the usual games, but our favourite was the Sticky Note game, where every lady at the event is given a sticky note and asked to share on it their best piece of marriage advice.
The results were a mix of fun and funny as well as very, very wise advice from unmarried lasses in their early 20s to ladies who had been married for up to 70 years.
Here are the notes, with an explanation of why the bride shared it. More than a few giggles ensued, but we also experienced an overwhelming sense of warmth and love and were compelled to share these answers with you.
Our personal favourite is the note from one of the women, a lovely lady who has been happily married for 43 years, who wrote: [there’s] ‘no holiday from good manners!’
She went on to explain that no matter how long you’ve been married and how well you know each other, always maintain good manners. Be polite and cordial and treat your partner with respect. It’s a lovely sentiment, perhaps from another age, but it definitely works for her – and everyone present seemed to agree it was their favourite piece of advice, too!
Oh, and which one did we write? Well, you’ll just have to work that one out for yourself!
This note was from a woman who had been married for about 30 years. Her logic was to just say ‘yes dear’ – and then do whatever you want! “It avoids unnecessary arguments,” she insisted.
Love one another no matter what. It’s easier said than done, especially when you’ve been married for decades, as this bride has been but, she also said that if you remember that you truly love the person you’re married to – and always treat them that way – love really does always win out… though it may take a little while!
This bride, who has been married for more than 20 years, says that she and her hubby still make time, at least once a month, for a date night and they’ve managed to do so for two decades without missing too many and, even then, only when it was absolutely unavoidable.
“A lot of patience.” Yep, this sage piece of advice has been passed down through the ages – for good reason.
We love this one: Always make time for coffee and milkshakes. They’re the bride and groom’s favourite drinks, so this piece of advice was shared to remind the couple that life should never be so busy that the two of them can’t make time to sit down together and enjoy their favourite drinks.
Be the boss! Ironically, this piece of advice was shared by a bride of 35 years – who admits that she’s anything but the boss!
Another long-standing gem, communication is the key to this bride of 20+ years’ successful marriage.
Communication and compromise. Yep, the two ‘c’ words came up again and again – and are absolutely true. Always communicate – and compromise.
Though the woman who shared this piece of advice admitted she was only joking, we think she may have been a little serious. After all, she was once engaged and called off the wedding – and has remained happily single ever since!
Don’t go to bed without kissing and making up. Another classic piece of advice that can, often, be incredibly difficult to adhere to, but with nearly 40 years’ marriage under her belt, this bride, obviously, has put it into practice.
Have fun being together. It seems kinda obvious, but when you look around and see couples who aren’t having fun, this lovely statement becomes more glaring. Don’t take your partner for granted. He or she is not there just to go through the motions of life and living together. Life is about having fun and your spouse should be the person you have the most fun with.
Yep, another sticky note using the ‘p’ word/.
Ah, honesty! Being open and honest is crucial in any relationship, let alone any marriage. By being honest about your thoughts and feelings, not only do you get a truer picture of your spouse, you also know exactly where you – and your relationship – stands at all times. Honesty really is the best policy.
This is the flip side of the piece of advice above about the need for honesty. By listen to each other, you hear what the other person is trying to tell you and, if you really are listening, with both your ears and your heart, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your spouse and what he or she feels they need you to know and understand.
Love and patience. There’s the ‘p’ word, but also the ‘l’ word. You can’t have a marriage without love, can you? Well, not a good one, anyway!
Love and understanding. Yep, we agree. They’re two of the foundations of a great marriage.
Love hard, forgive easy. This is such a lovely and touching sentiment, from a woman who has been married for seven years.
Minimise nagging. Regardless of whether your’e male or female, this is sensible advice. If only we could all take it.
Never go to sleep angry, compromise is the key, laughter is the best medicine. This bride, of about 22 years, shared her three favourite tips and said that they work well for her. She added that humour and laughter were crucial for ensuring a happy marriage – and a happy home.
Never take each other for granted. This should go without saying but anyone who has been married for even the shortest amount of time will tell you that this is so, so easy to do – so don’t do it.
[There’s] no holiday from good manners! This is our favourite piece of advice. No matter how long you’ve been married, there is no cause to disrespect your spouse in any way. Treat them kindly and well and the feelings will be reciprocated… eventually!
Say ‘yes’ to everything – and then do whatever you damn well please, said this bride of more than 50 years.
Agree with your husband. Yep, we’re just going to leave that one right there!
The usual suspects. A tray of yummy brownies didn’t last long at the kitchen tea!
The bride received multiple recipes and hand kitchen utensils.
There was certainly no shortage of cupcakes!
The classic peg game.
Spinach and ricotta triangles seemed to be the recipe of choice.
The kitchen tea spread of yummy sweets and treats.
All the presents!
This Death by Chocolate cake with sumptuous strawberries on top didn’t last long.
Looking like a clothesline by the end of the day means you had a great time!
One clever guest gave the bride a recipe and provided her with all the tools and ingredients necessary to make it!