Ever heard of silent bridal showers? This controversial trend is likely to ruffle some feathers, and get brides and hens alike clucking with distaste.
Reddit user cbsteven vented online on behalf of a disgruntled friend after receiving an invitation to what was called a ‘silent bridal shower’. Warning: feelings of disgust may ensue.
So what is a silent bridal shower?
A silent bridal shower is basically no bridal shower at all. No party. No fuss. There’s no cake, no champagne, and ultimately no fun. Admittedly, hens nights are often expensive and time consuming for brides and guests alike. When added to the long list of wedding expenses for a guest — outfits, presents, accommodation, travel — scrapping the hens night may seem plausible. However, this is not what the invitation is suggesting.
While the party may have been cancelled, the invitation received by cbsteven instead asked for a cheque of whatever value to be enclosed and made out to the newlyweds. No party — but still an expense to the “guests”. The bride can forgo your company. Even the typo offence — envelop instead of envelope — pales in comparison to the blatant demand for money.
Fellow redditors toyed with the idea, suggesting that if they received a similar invitation, they’d send a cheque worth $0.25. Others weren’t as kind, preferring to RSVP to let the couple know they’d no longer be attending the wedding.
What do you think? How much would you enclose in the envelope?