This article has been written by team of content creators at Easy Weddings.
Updated on: November 10, 2021
OK, it’s not exactly high-class entertainment, but who doesn’t love a funny animated gif, especially when it has to do with our favourite topic: weddings! Here are 10 of our favourite wedding gifs. Enjoy…
If you’re going to use a remote controlled camera, you’d better be real sure you can, erm, control the camera!Oh, dear! We’re not sure why this bride is hanging with penguins on her big day, but the penguin obviously wasn’t too impressed – and he made it know!Surf’s up! This loved-up couple couldn’t keep their eyes off each other, which is a pity because, if they’d looked around, they would have seen the great big wave about to descend!Is there nothing a little make-up can’t hide?Well, how else are you supposed to use a bed on your wedding night?This bride’s pre-wedding workout obviously worked a little too well because even she underestimated her mad bouquet tossing skills! This enthusiastic groom swept up his new bride, erm, then he dropped her…Anyone for a quick swim?This poor flower girl didn’t need any help making it down the aisle.Oh, dear! That kid with the confetti gun doesn’t look terribly sorry…LOL!We’re not sure who was so important that their call had to be taken DURING this bride’s wedding ceremony but, understandably, the groom doesn’t looked too thrilled. You can read the whole story here.
And finally…
Kate and Wills share a sweet – and fun – intimate moment before they make their all-important vows.
Getting married soon? Maybe you can make your own wedding gifs out of your beautifully shot wedding video. Here’s how you start.