20 incredibly romantic wedding vows for him

Content Team
Updated on: February 26, 2025

Writer’s block? When it comes to writing wedding vows for him and her, there’s just so much you can say. In the past, the traditional ‘I take thee to be my husband/wife to have and to hold from this day forward’ wedding vow was the norm.

Modern bride and grooms are taking spins on the classics. They’re choosing to personalise their vows to make their special moment unique to them.

A couple share their vows with wedding vows for him

Camille Abbot Celebrant can work on wedding vows for him and her.

While vows should be solemn and heartfelt, there’s more than enough room for authenticity and a touch of humour — your guests will thank you for it!

Take it from Mario of Treasured Ceremonies, ” I often ask guys to write three sentences. What attracted you to your partner in the first place? What made you then want to see that person again? What was it that made you want to be with that person forever?”

If you have decided to write your own wedding vows, but have no idea how you will impress your partner with vows that come from the heart, we suggest drawing inspiration from these amazing vows specifically designed for him.

Instead of simply copying the vow, tweak it to suit your fiancé. Feel free to personalise the vow, and add in any humour if you see fit. Use these vow ideas for springboards to bigger, bolder, more personal ceremony lines.


A couple gets married at Acacia Ridge

Wedding vows for him and her – Kristy and Daniel exchange vows.

Wedding vows for him

For the cheeky groom

If your groom has the confidence and attitude to be a little on the nose, these wedding vows for him are perfect.

I promise to listen to your advice, even if I don’t always take it,
I promise to leave the score card behind, even if I’m winning,
I promise to listen for as long as it takes for you to feel heard,
I promise to take care of your kind heart and to always love you with all of mine.

For the protective groom

If your groom always puts you and your family first, and would do anything to protect you – then these vows will speak volumes.

I vow to always protect you from harm,
To stand with you against your troubles,
And to look to you when I need protection.

For the groom that shows rather than tells

For some, love is more than words. If you can’t always find the words to say what you want, that’s okay! Just say exactly that.

You are loved more than any metaphor can ever try to express.

For the groom who makes promises

Getting married is about making a promise. Maybe not even just one. Wedding vows for grooms can include the promises he’s committing to make.

I promise to not only listen but to hear,
Not only to be honest but to trust,
And not only to love but to be loved.



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For the sweetheart groom

Not afraid to express your love?  Get inspiration from these vows that have no hesitation in their absolute love behind the words.

In your arms, I have found home,
In your eyes, I have found compassion,
In your heart, I have found love,
In your soul, I have found a kindred spirit,
You are my everything.

For the simple groom who gets to the point

Don’t want to mince your words? These vows get to the point – and are for the groom who wants to declare it all.

I promise faithfulness and patience, respect and lightheartedness, attentiveness and self-improvement.
I will celebrate your triumphs, and love you all the more for your failures.

For the symbolic groom

You wear rings for a reason, and are given this piece to symbolise love and foreverness – why not call out why you choose to wear the ring?

This ring is a promise that you will never have to face the world alone.

Wedding vows for him with Carla Davern the celebrant

Carla Davern the Celebrant

If your wedding day is a few months away start taking some notes on your phone when you think of something special about your partner, or if they say something funny or silly or do something funny or romantic etc.  That way when the time comes to write your vows you have lots of material to work with!

Ceremonies by Jen

For the groom who’s making a vow

It’s a simple concept for wedding vows for him – it’s just about that – making the vows. Write the ones you want to commit to your wife.

I vow to be your biggest fan and partner in crime.
I promise to support a family with you in a home filled with patience, love and understanding.
I vow to grow old with you.
I will love you faithfully and unconditionally through difficult and easy times.
What may come, I promise to always be there with love.
As I have given my life to you.

For the groom who wants to spoil

If you just want to shower your best friend and wife with compliments and love, then these vows could be the ones for you.

I never would have imagined that out of all the people in this world, I would find someone as special as you.
You are my best friend and my one true love.
I cannot believe I am the lucky man who gets to marry you today.
I promise I will never forget this privilege, no matter how many years of our lives go by.
I love you, now and forever.

For the groom who’s always there

Wherever you go and whatever you do, this groom is always there, by your side. Let it be known through the wedding vows.

I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.

For the groom that does

Before saying “I do” tell them what it is that you will do!

I am so happy to be able to tell you — I do, I will, and I always will.
Whatever I have is yours.

Capture your vows on film

Capture your vows on film

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Make sure that you're both on the same page in regards to how long both of your vows are going to be (word number not minutes) and the tone that you're both wanting them to have (they should complement each other). 

Camille Abbot

For the traditional groom

These wedding vows for him are definitely on the more traditional vibe than others. But, it’s classic for a reason. Not always a need to change what works!

I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, and encourage you to achieve all of your goals,
Laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, and always be open and honest with you.
And cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

The simple vow

Much like the previous – it’s simple and is about your partnership. How will this groom elevate and protect his wife.

Take this ring as a promise that I will love you faithfully, without reservation.
I will comfort you in times of sorrow and distress.
I will help you achieve all of your goals in life. I will laugh and cry with you.
I pledge to grow old with you, in mind and in spirit.

For the groom who’s the ultimate gamer

Whether it’s on the computer or board, some people just love games! Call these out in your vows. You can always bring your hobbies into your vows.

In this game of life, I promise to be your navigator, your sidekick, your best friend, and your husband.
I promise to always have your back, and I will never leave your side, no matter how tough the challenges get.

For the groom who listens

Some are better listeners than others. If you want to make sure your bride feels heard, you can promise to do exactly that!

I vow to have the patience that love demands,
To speak when words are needed,
And to share in the silence when they are not.

For the bride who looks beautiful

We all love them – compliments! Nothing makes someone feel more loved than just being told they’re beautiful. Tried and tested.

You look so beautiful to me today but know that you always look beautiful to me and will always be this beautiful to me, tomorrow, and the next day and the next.
As gorgeous as you are right here and right now, I will only love you more and more each day of our marriage.

All about the bride

It’s about both of you, but your vows can be focused on your one and only – all about the bride!

You have made me the happiest man on the world today by agreeing to share your life with me.
I promise to cherish and respect you.
I promise to care for you and protect you.
I promise to comfort you and encourage you.
I promise to be with you for all of eternity.

For grooms who acknowledge good times and bad

Relationships are hard work. Everyone knows that. And it’s okay to acknowledge just that in your vows.

I promise to love you in good time and in bad
When life seems easy and when it seems hard
When our love is simple and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in highest regard.
These things I give you today and all the days of our life.

For the groom who only sees his bride

They say the eyes are the window to the soul. They can also be the window to the perfect vows!

In your eyes, I have found my home.
In your heart, I have found my love.
In your soul, I have found my mate.
With you, I am whole, full, alive.
You make me laugh. You let me cry.
You are my breath, my every heartbeat.

For the couple that’s a team

Couples are a team. It takes team work to make relationships work. If you’re into sports or just the idea that  you’re creating a team then these vows could work for you.

Thank you for standing here with me today as we create the ultimate team for life.
I will be by your side and always love who you are, as well as the person you will grow to be.
I will work hard to understand your wishes, desires, fears, and dreams and will strive to make you happy.
I will be there for you when you need me, whenever you need me, and I will support you through misfortune, and celebrate your triumphs.
I will keep our lives exciting, adventurous, and full of passion.
I can’t wait to start this new and exciting adventure with the person I love most in the world.

Now you’ve read these 20 amazing wedding vows, get that pen to paper ASAP and start crafting your own personalised ceremony. Looking for some more inspiration? Dive into our favourite wedding vows by famous poets.

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