There are certain things you may think you won’t do after your wedding. Things like flooding Instagram with throwback snaps of her wedding day, or posting nauseating love letters to their new ‘hubby’ on Facebook for the world to see.
However, despite claiming you’ll never do either of these things – don’t be surprised when you succumb to the tempting allure of #throwbackthursday…
Here are five things you think you won’t do after your wedding (but end up doing anyway.)
1. Grow your hair before your wedding only to chop it super short and dye it a ridiculous shade of pink
So many expensive hair treatments. So. Much. Coconut Oil. Only for you to hack it all off and dye it a colour you once saw a model wear in British Vogue two-years ago.
2. Go hard posting wedding ‘throwbacks’ on social media
You swore you wouldn’t do it, but ya’ did it anyway.
#twomonthsagotoday #takemebacccckkkk #bestdayofmylife
3. Call your in-laws ‘mum’ and ‘dad’
You thought it would be weird, but it’s actually not.
4. Changing your Instagram bio to your marital status, including and/or a ring emoji, your wedding date in roman numerals and your husband/wife’s initials
#wifey #wifeyforlifey #ilovehimsomuch #myhubbyishotterthanyours #newlyweds
5. Giving unsolicited wedding advice to people who don’t ask for it
“The day just goes soooo fast so make the most of it!”