We are considering what time of year to get married and starting to do our budget. Friends have said that winter weddings are cheaper but is that really true? If so, is it a significant saving?
Question Asked: 12/12/2022
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 6 Experts
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It is worth asking your venue and suppliers. We offer a special winter discount on weddings booked in June, July and August at our function centre in The Hunter Valley.
No but we will launch wedding specials just after the crazy season
They definitely can be depending on the venue. Some smaller venues are willing to lower prices or work within your budget as winter can quite often be quieter as far as events go and they have more flexinilty in dates and times. It's worth asking around.
Hi There, thank-you for your question. Yes, Winter weddings are generally cheaper than booking in the Summer months. There is also a little more flexibility around date selection. To truly undertsand the differnce between a Winter wedding and Summer wedding package, it is best to speak with our wonderful team via info@atlanticgroup.com.au
Kindest, Sophia.
Hi There,
Our packages for june through to the end of august are generally cheaper per head then all other months. It's not that much cheaper in our opinions, this does vary with different venues.
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We can certainly tailor a winter speacial for the months of May, June & July for you wedding day! Please feel free to reach out to our team