How to decide on the perfect wedding colour palette for you?

Question Asked: 28/05/2019

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Wildflower Weddings and Events

(7) · Sydney, Southern Highlands, Hunter Valley

Posted: 8/07/2019


This is a very good question.  The perfect colour palette for you is based around the colours that you love. You are going to be looking at your wedding photos for a while and you want to love what you see. This might be affected by the venue that you choose, for instance a beach wedding. It would be great to incorporate the colours of the environment into your palette. 

You may like bright colours and want to contrast your wedding with these, there is nothing wrong with that at all. Perfect on your wedding day is what is perfect to help tell your story. 

To help you a really good idea is to go onto a visual page like Pinterest, type in colour palettes and you will see an array of different ones, which do you love? 


Wildflower team

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