How much does it cost for a hanging installation?

My question here is how much would an installation such as a hanging crystal roughly cost including the truss and rigging at a reception? The reception itself is lovely however I wanted to add this feature for the light of the exisiting chandeliers to reflect off for a brighter ambience.

Question Asked: 30/05/2019

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Wildflower Weddings and Events

(7) · Sydney, Southern Highlands, Hunter Valley

Posted: 8/07/2019


Hanging installations can vary in the cost. It would depend on what you wanted hung and where? Also the amount of work that is required. Does the hanging installation need structural design? All of these factors will make a difference in the price. If it's just grennery on an already existing strusture our company costs this at a metre basis. So it would depend on the number of metres needed.  Hope this helps. 


Wildflower Team

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