How does hiring a wedding stylist actually work?

So my fiance and I know absolutely nothing about wedding stylists. For example, how much does one typically cost? In all of my research so far, I have been quoted any amount from $900-$5000 and really don't know what is normal. Also, are the prices of packages generally the cost of the entire service? For example, if I've been quoted $2500, is that how much I will pay for the entire styling, or will I have to pay on top of that for supplies? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, I just honestly don't know and am not sure how much to budget for! Thank you!

Natalie D

Question Asked: 26/02/2020

Wedding Date: 29/01/2022

Most Helpful Response


(13) · Sydney, Southern Highlands, Hunter Valley, Blue Mountains

Posted: 6/04/2020

Hi Natalie! 

Hope you are well! It is a good question you ask as it can be a bit confusing with a lot of details involved, especially now with the pinterest and instagram there's so many photos and not much info out in the universe how this can be achieved! 

Some stylists may have packages with all their inclusions and some may not have packages and quote you depending on what you need.

Wedding and Event stylists can be categorised either as:

1) Wedding stylist - expert service only 
This is a stylist that will provide you with a service, their time will be devoted in creating your theme and putting together all the elements - they will meet you at your venue and go through what will work well. Normally this will not include the supplies such as flowers, decorations, lighting, props, furniture etc. However they will be able to do all the hard work for you in sourcing all the suppliers to style your wedding and pricing within your budget 

Also on the day they will be there to coordinate the set up to the styling plan. You may need this service if you have hired a florist only and they are only providing the flowers and delivering them to the venue, however you may want something that is comprehensive in styling that includes the flowers such as you may have a rustic wedding and you want rustic furniture and props with custom name cards/menu's and gift table - something the florist won't be able to help with but a stylist can bring it all together for you. 

2) Full Service stylist and designer 
This service allows for the full service in setting up all the elements and providing all the supplies you need, the stylist will install all the flowers, decor etc and plus they will coordinate the pack down of the decorations at the end of your wedding. Most Wedding and Event Florists and Stylists will have this service now that they provide the full package but may include a service fee within their pricing as they will need to factor in the time to custom design your elements and be there for the installation and pack down. It includes everything above but easier as there is one point of contact for everything related to your wedding styling. 

You may need to ask your quote if it includes all of the items that you enquired for or if it is only a styling service, I would suggest if you ask for an itemised quote to show each item what you pay for so it is clear what you are getting. In terms of budgeting the price can range depending on what you need, but don't worry if you don't know what you need you can send some photos of what you like to the stylist and they can determine that for you what the price is. As a ballpark figure on price, if you are looking for a full service stylist that installs and removes your flowers, decor, props etc this can start at $2000 minimum as there is a lot of logistics and materials involved in styling your ceremony and reception. And you want to pay an expert to put all this together for you on your wedding as you will be very busy that day and won't want to worry about anything else!

Let me know if you have any more questions happy to help as I am a full service wedding stylist, florist and coordinator and will be able to make everything as easy as possible! x Janet 

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