Do photographers edit out blemishes?

I have some pretty awful scarring on my arms from a motorbike accident a few years ago. Can I have them edited out of my wedding photos? Is it difficult/expensive to do?

Question Asked: 31/05/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

White Cat Media

(12) · NSW

Posted: 15/03/2025

The answer, for most photographers, is probably "yes". As a normal part of the editing process, they'll remove anything distracting -- including blemishes, scars, pimples -- especially if the client requests this.

I'd generally smooth out skin a little and remove blemishes from the bride's face in close-ups. 

Scarring on arms... In general, arms are easier to touch up than faces, beacuse you don't have to carefully avoid eyes, nose, lips, and other features. The skin is more uniform. Bare arms are the easiest. But if there is clothing or transparent fabric overlapping the scar, that would add more challenge.

Still, in 2017, when the question was asked, it probably would have been fairly easy to remove arm scars. "Content aware" tool in Photoshop was introduced in 2010.

In the last year or two, Photoshop gained a "generative AI" tool that makes it even easier to edit out this sort of thing.

Like another response said, the photographer would probably position you to minimize the visibility of the scar anyway. It's much easier to fix up problems at time of shooting than to try to fix them up during the edit.

Answered by: 13 Experts

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White Lace Wedding Photography

(1) · Brisbane, Gold Coast and Surrounds

Posted: 3/01/2018

Hi yes a photographer will edit the blemishes .Iif you do not want this done just let them know, however when I photograph my main  aim is to capture the beauty of my subjects every time .Its amazing the natural beauty that can be captured when shooting , editing a blemish makes the photographs even more perfect. Editing is not too diffulcult to do however it does take time to do it  properly.If you have anymore questions I am happy to answer them.

Allan Smailes Photography

(1) · Townsville / Magnetic Island

Posted: 13/10/2017

Sure do what ever they are.

Aurora Rose Photography

(14) · Perth and Surroundings

Posted: 6/09/2017

In short - YES! I have had several beautiful brides who have little parts about themselves that they prefer to have hidden or covered over and we are more than happy to do so. Depending on the amount of extra editing however there may be a fee involved. 

One client had some moles that she was very self conscious off so they were something we could quite easily adjust on her images, however we have been asked to hide large tattoos and that can be a bit more tricky so a small fee extra was charged. 

It is best to have a chat to your photographer and ask what level skill they have at editing out parts you want done and as others have said, maybe being aware of it on the day and shooting from a different angle. You can be very creative in photos so be open with your photographer about any concerns and let them make you feel confident they will be able to deliver you images you will love. 

Best of wishes

Naomi - Tascon Photography

LiliPhoto Photography

(1) · Brisbane, Gold Coast and Surrounds

Posted: 29/06/2017


Firstly, these scars are part of who you are, your personal and unique feature, wear it proudly!

Secondly, yes, I’m are editing out unwanted marks and blemishes if client asked me, because I’m edit every image that I present to client. These images are to cherish for generations, so I always do my best not just in photographing but also in editing. Cheers!

Lili from LiliPhoto Photography

Egoiste Photography

(7) · Sydney Metro & All NSW Regions / International

Posted: 13/06/2017

If you do you want blemishes removed, request them after you have seen your photos - depending on the size of your request, some photographers may charge for their time, so it's best to be picky about which photos you want the photographer to spend extra time on.

Where an album is included in the package, most photographers will automatically remove blemishes and unnatural spots in the photos included as part of the design process.

Kate Grant

(2) · Melbourne & Surrounds including Mornington and Yarra Valley

Posted: 11/06/2017

First I suggest with nice long sleeves gown can cover you scar, of course need depend to weater and depend what wedding idea your planning to? Another way photography try to cover your scar when taking photo, but honestly not really can cover all the time with candid photo. Unfortunaty last option go with touch up, pricing will charge by each photo.

James Harvie Photography

(29) · Victoria

Posted: 8/06/2017

I think you need to discuss this with the photographer in the initial meeting. Communication is paramount to getting things to run smoothly.

JBJ Photography

(0) · Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Surrounds

Posted: 8/06/2017

The short answer is No unless you request it as in my experience people are what they are and don,t necessarily want to look plastic, but yes I do ask before I make any changes or the client can request. I feel there is a big difference between the real world and the artificial world of advertising.

Focus Imagery - Wedding Film & Photography

(26) · Cairns, Palm Cove & Port Douglas

Posted: 7/06/2017

Although it can be done. It's a service usually reserved for prints, as it can be time consuming. Really tho, I think the scars are part of you, wear them with pride that you have led a full life ;)

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