I don't even know where to begin!
Question Asked: 21/11/2018
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
(35) · All Sydney, Hunter Valley, North/South Coast, Southern Highlands
Posted: 26/07/2023
Answered by: 12 Experts
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Go with who you like the most in all the photographers overall shots. They will have the right aesthetic that will appeal to you. Also experience. You will always get a better photographer if they have experience.
Two simple points do you get on with their personality and do you like their work
Yes you should choose me. But seriously you should choose someone who's style of photography you love. Also choose someone with a calmness of personality. Find some photographers who's style grabs you. Then meet with them and get to know theyre personality. If you can find someone who's work and style you like and who has a matching, complimentary personality to you then you're well on the right track to choosing your photographer.
My advice would be to look at the quality and the price your budget is leaning towards. Every photographer has their own style but they also have their own personality. Ask them if they are up for a coffee or a meet up and get to know them. Sometimes it comes down to personality because you want someone who is reliable but is also easy to work with.
The first question you need to ask yourslef is what sort of day do you both want? One where it is dictated by posed photography or one which flows and the photographer captures the day and emotions as they happen naturally. You will be able to tell the difference on their website/social media pages.
Take note that capturing the day as it happens does not mean that the phtoographer will not direct some photographs, especially those much cherished photos with specific family members..............it just means that while you are getting congratulated by your guests for example, you will not be whisked away to some location, the phtoographer will capture some wonderfully emotive photographs of you and your guests that will mean so much more to you.
Look up photographers in the area and make a short list of ones whos photography you love.........even if it looks like they are out of your price bracket.....it is really important to know what style you like.
Email them, see what sort of a response you get, is it quick? This will usually show how your relationship will pan out through your wedding period. If they do not respond within 24 hours then perhaps they will also not respond promptly to any queries you have or deliver your images in a reasonable time period.
Chat to a couple on the phone to see how you get on with them. Do they just talk about themselves? or are they eager to know about your wedding day?
Arrange to meet up with the one or two that you felt the most comfortable with, see how they are in person. You want to feel comfortable on your wedding day and you also want them to be able to take charge if they need to.....no awkward moments.
If you find someone you love book them as this will be the way that you get to re live your wedding day. This will be the beginning of your lives together, your first family heirloom will be photographs.
First of all take a look at their portfolios - whether it be on their website / instagram account / facebook page. Decide whether you like their style of photography - every photographer uses a different approach, and you have to select a photographer whose style appeals to you. Then it is important to meet up with the photographer before finalising a booking. You are going to spend several hours on your wedding day with your photographer so it is important that you feel comfortable with him / her. Also ask to see a complete set of photos - photographers only use their best photos in their portfolios, but you also need to see a complete set from a single wedding to really evaluate their photography. And lastly, keep your budget into consideration.
I would recommed finding someone who can get along well with. Pick a couple of photographers that you like and ask them for coffee to chat about the day. I do this with all my brides and grooms and it's a great opportunity to get to know each other and see if you guys gel together. Your wedding photographer is going to be with you the whole day capturing the most vunerable moments, you want to know that you both get along, have the same vision for the day and trust each other. I find when you build that relationship things flow a lot nicer and it makes the experience of having your photos taken better. I hope this helps :)
Kristie Mackay
Kristie Mackay Photography
My sugestion is to check out the website and choose the style of photography that suits you then chat to those photographers who your interested in
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Here's a few things to keep in mind when choosing your wedding photographer;