Photography Expert Advice

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Your Questions

125 questions / 1242 answers

I’m looking for a wedding photographer in Victoria who specialises in using 35mm film.

I’m interested in the timeless, vintage aesthetic that 35mm film provides and would love to work with someone who has experience with it.

Updated : 5/01/2025

3 answers

What does having a watermark and copyright on photos mean for my wedding photos?

Hi there a photographer is an expensive part of our wedding day, and I have heard of some horror stories of couples having watermarks on their photos and having to pay extra to use their photos so after the day (i.e. to print and put on the wall or share to personal socials? Is that normal or expected i am a bit scared of all photographers and the legal stuff! Thanks Bree

Updated : 19/12/2023

5 answers

How much do you charge for 9 hrs?

What can we expect to pay on average for 9 hours of photography at our wedding?

Updated : 17/11/2023

14 answers

3 Bridesmaids and no Groomsmen?? HELP

Hey, My HB does not want groomsmen but I want my 3 bridesmaids. How am I going to make this work without it looking weird with seating plans and photos?

Updated : 10/07/2023

5 answers

Do wedding photographers generally do one style best?

Starting to look at wedding photographers and wondered whether they generally have a signature style that they do best or if we can show them inspiration and they can emulate it?

Updated : 8/05/2023

7 answers

Should we have a first look?

Hi there. I can see lots of couples are having first looks. Is the first look a good idea? What's the best part about having a first look and what would be a reason not to do it, from a photography perspective? Thanks!

Updated : 28/03/2023

7 answers

How to tactfully ask guests not to post any of our wedding photos to socials

What's the best way to handle this request? We really don't want any of our photos shown on social media before we get a chance to do it ourselves. Is this something to include as early as the invitations? Or wait to the ceremony?

Updated : 20/03/2023

11 answers

How long does it usually take to get wedding photos back?

We're trying to coordinate photos and video for a post-wedding event with our family.

Updated : 20/03/2023

14 answers