Invitations Expert Advice

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Your Questions

105 questions / 389 answers

Is it better to go paperless?

I get invited to weddings and some invitations are on email and some are sent in the mail. What is best?

Updated : 12/02/2025

2 answers

Wedding Website

Evening I wanted to create a custom wedding website to manage our invitations, RSVP's and thank you's. AI suggested that this platform had such a service but I haven't been able to navigate to one- is this offered? Thanks Sarah

Updated : 29/01/2025

1 answers

How to deal with guests who don't RSVP on time

It's so frustrating having to chase up guests who haven't RSVPd. I didn't think it would be so hard. What approach is best (and quickest!) to get our guests to RSVP?

Updated : 13/03/2024

3 answers

We’re over 60. Do we need to invite all aunts and uncles of deceased parents even if we’re not close?

I am very close to my 90-year-old aunt, who was my late uncle's wife and want to invite her to our small wedding dinner/reception. I have three other aunts and one uncle, all in their 90s, who live over an hour away. Would it be rude not to invite them all, even if we’re not that close? If so, will I need to add a plus one (or two for spouses) since they don’t drive and would need a ride?

Updated : 14/06/2023

2 answers

Can you assist with the messaging/wording on our wedding stationery?

We are not very good at this sort of thing. When we order our invitations, can you assist us with what we say?

Updated : 15/05/2023

4 answers

Apart from the invite itself what else goes in the envelope?

Hi! I'd love a list of everything that I'd need to include in the envelopes to my guests; not just the actual paper invite. Do people still send RSVP cards? Do guests actually send them back?

Updated : 17/04/2023

4 answers

How many months between the save the dates and the actual invites?

Is there a best practice for how early to get save the dates out or how long between the save the date and the actual invites?

Updated : 28/03/2023

4 answers

Could we include a social media ban/unplugged ceremony request in our wedding invitations?

Hi there. Wondering how to delicately make the request for an 'unplugged' wedding and that our photos not be shared on social until we have. Would it be usual to put this in our wedding invitations?

Updated : 20/03/2023

4 answers

How can I make sure guests understand our dress code?

We want to have a formal/black tie wedding.

Updated : 27/02/2023

4 answers

How can I get our guests to RSVP to our wedding?

What's the best plan for getting our guests to actually RSVP to our wedding? We thought it would be a no brainer. Any tips welcome!!

Updated : 13/02/2023

6 answers