Emergency backup plans for makeup artist?

Hi there. Wondering about emergency backup plans in the event my makeup artist is sick or is in an emergency on our wedding day. What contingency plans are in place? Do I need to pack my own makeup just in case?

Question Asked: 13/02/2023

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Ingalisa Hair and Makeup

(1) · Gold Coast / Byron Bay / Far North Coast

Posted: 13/06/2023

I have quite a few amazing stylists and artists we can call on to Help out if needed so be rest assured.

Answered by: 7 Experts

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Faces Makeup and Hair

(63) · Sydney

Posted: 17/02/2023

This is such a good question!  Using a company with a team of makeup artists will take the pressure off you to find last minute back up plan.  Faces Makeup and Hair has a team of 6 stylists and we have not had one wedding cancelled due to illness of a staff member, as we have each other's back!  If you would like to chat to us, send us a short message - www.facesmakeupandhair.com.au

Makeup 4 Brides & Hair 4 Brides

(149) · Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Toowoomba

Posted: 16/02/2023

Booking makeup and hair styling with a company with a large team helps to alleviate stress in this area as they would have backup stylists to call on in the event of illness or injury.  Makeup & Hair 4 Brides have a large team of experienced bridal stylists and a great network in place for exactly this situation.  Happy wedding planning. :-) 

Missy's Magic Styles Wedding Hair Specialist

(126) · Australia - ACT & NSW

Posted: 14/02/2023

I know so many hairdressers that one will help me. Canberra is so small we all help if needed.

Makeup HQ

(20) · Victoria

Posted: 14/02/2023

With back up plans this is a great idea. The good thing with booking with us at MakeupHQ we have a team of artists that work for us, so their will always be someone available to help out in case of an emergency. 

Adele Rossi MAKE-UP

(2) · Melbourne and surrounding areas

Posted: 14/02/2023

Hi There : )

Ive been in the industray for 18 years & have never cancelled a wedding - its just not something you do & the way i was conditioned all those years ago in training. However, over the years ive learnt that life happens & we are human just like everyone else. Ive assisted others in this situation as we understand the stress it can cause.

So unless im in hosiptal or extremely sick to the point i am unble to stand up - you show up!
Im an educator & this is something i stress with upcoming artists.

I'd also like to mention work fulltime for myself - im a one man show : ) so i dont pay myself sick days etc so its not in my interest to be unreliable to cancel jobs.

Im finding as of late & hearing alot of artists cancelling - in fact 3 over the coure of  the past 2 weeks & it blows my mind...

I have a pool of artists i trust & reccommend however, should they not be available there is a FB group i reccomend & you will be able to find one right away. The call out allows you to finds artist coming to you rather than you scrambling to search etc.

Hope this helps : )

If you would like to scedule a catch up via zoom id be happy to catch.

You can find me on instragram at adele.rossmakeup

Hope to hear again from you,

Warm Regards


Mobile Makeovers

(104) · Victoria

Posted: 14/02/2023

Using a company that has a large team ensures that if your allocated artist falls ill you are not doing the chasing to find a back up, the company you hired does.  Mobile Makeovers has a team of artists so to ensure all our brides are covered in all situations. As we all know we are human but no bride shoul be left stranded on their specil day ??

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