2 Hair Salons and Makeup Artists in Mornington

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Exclusive Offer Ruby Did It
5.0 (9) · Somerville, Victoria
We only use quality products!
Range of Hair Products and Accessories!
Experienced stylists and professional service
Affordable beauty for your special day!

Based in Somerville, Ruby Did It is a hair and makeup artist offering professional bridal services, with a signature style to enhance your beauty in a subtle yet striking way. Focused on delivering results with fantastic customer service, Ruby Did It is owned and operated by an experienced stylist. Experience the highest standard of service at an affordable price.

Exclusive Offer Babydoll Artistry
5.0 (8) · Mount Martha, Victoria

Babydoll Artistry is a professional hair and makeup business offering stunning, glowing looks to couples throughout Melbourne. They boast impressive experience within the fashion, film, television, and wedding industries, refined technical skills, and extensive knowledge of all things hair and makeup. For a punctual, warm, personalised wedding experience, Babydoll Artistry has you covered!

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