Would we be looking at surcharges or a different price for flowers if our wedding was on nye?
Question Asked: 7/03/2023
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 9 Experts
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(3) · South Coast | Southern Highlands | Illawarra Region & Beyond
Posted: 17/05/2023
Flower markets does have inflatuation during seasons, but that will depend on the time of the year and colours. For example, red is quite expesinve around Valentines day and Christmas, so I reccomend avoiding does colours in your design close to the end of the year and Feb. Most vendors are aware of price inflatuation and add the extra cost when budgeting for events, specially during peak season when everything costs more. My advise is to chose things that are all year round or stick to a colour palette either than a flower. You can always subistitute the flowers for a similar colour or shape and not affect your design. Hope this helps you create your wedding magic.
Lots of love,
Maz from Dusty Gyspsy.
Yes the market price of flowers in the week leading up to and on the day of New Years Eve, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day can increase substantially. Your florist should make you aware of this when you enquire about Wedding flowers during these periods. My proposal will include the increased cost for any of these special dates.
At SM Floral Design we don't charge more for the Christmas/New Year period. We create faux flowers and if the wedding was over this period, we would create and ship the arrangements to allow for the extra time needed.
Kind regards
Floral Designer
SM floral Design
Hi there,
they should not cost more. You would find an increase in cost if it's a public holiday. Flowers are difficult to get between the years, as our wholesalers have limited stock arriving and the opening hours are limited also. This would be more of my concern, not being able to have much choice. But cost wise it should be as per usual. I hope this helps.
No, the costs are based on the arrangement and the size with element inclusions. Our pricing is very transparent and itamised so you can see clearly what all the costs are for.
We are closed over the Christams and New year period_ staffing can cost more and flowers can cost more due to availbilty
and what you require.Be aware that there can be limited flowers available due to public holidays and growers not picking and import flowers not enetering the country
Fresh flowers would cost more for New Year's Eve weddings. But we at Gather work with dried flowers, so we do not charge more for New Year's Eve weddings.
kind regards,
GATHER team!
+61 0451234914
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Yes, because there's very few suppliers. And suppliers know that so they charge more.