Flowers Expert Advice

Expert Advice allows couples to ask for expert opinion, advice or helpful tips on any aspect of wedding planning, and get quick answers from wedding professionals on Easy Weddings. Questions may include recommendations on the best flowers for an autumn wedding, a selection of classic wedding songs, grazing menu ideas, or the latest trends in wedding dresses.

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Your Questions

128 questions / 891 answers

What are the wedding flower dos and donts?

What are the best flowers? What should I not use?

Updated : 2/03/2025

5 answers

Can I preserve my wedding flowers?

I am so sad at the thought of throwing out my wedding bouquet when it's over, how can I preserve it?

Updated : 17/02/2025

8 answers

Is January a hard date for flowers to be supplied for a wedding?

Hello! My partner & I are getting married in Byron Bay and hoping for 11 Jan 2025. We have been told my a florist that flowers around that time are hard to get as wholesalers close normally until 14 January. We are wondering whether we should change our wedding date because we’d love to have some gorgeous flowers for the day and not a limited supply and ones that doesn’t match our colours & make us feel fab. I am not particular about type of flowers more style of bouquet and colours. The florist we have spoken to can’t really tell us either way if anything will be available and we feel is more focused on booking us than helping us be realistic. Your advice is appreciated!

Updated : 12/06/2023

19 answers

What's involved in having a floral ceiling installation?

Hi team. We're enquiring about having a floral ceiling installation for our wedding. What extra costs or considerations are there to get the flowers up on the ceiling? How long do we need to factor in setup time and removal with the venue?

Updated : 15/05/2023

10 answers

What should we realistically be budgeting for wedding flowers?

Hello! Absolutely love fresh flowers, and wondering what we could realistically expect to pay for: Bride bouquet 4 bridesmaids 1 x Flower girl Ceremony arch 5 lapel flowers 10 table centrepieces thank you!

Updated : 20/03/2023

8 answers

Do flowers cost more for New Year's Eve weddings?

Would we be looking at surcharges or a different price for flowers if our wedding was on nye?

Updated : 7/03/2023

9 answers

Do I need to ask my florist to deliver the flowers to the venue and to the bridal party to get ready

Since I’m not getting ready at the venue, do I need to ask my florist to deliver the flowers to the bridal party whilst getting ready as well as the venue?

Updated : 28/02/2023

9 answers

Wondering what happens if our florist is sick on our wedding day

Trying to be as organised as we can. What happens if our florist can't make it on the day?

Updated : 13/02/2023

7 answers