How to travel with your wedding gown for a destination wedding

Hello, I'm getting married in Thailand in late 2023... starting to think about my wedding dress and wondered what's the best way to travel overseas with it, if you had any tips about packing it in my luggage, and then storage/care for it once I arrive? Thank you!

Question Asked: 21/11/2022

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response


(98) · Victoria

Posted: 23/01/2025

For your destination wedding in Thailand, the best way to travel with your wedding gown is to pack it in a garment bag and take it as carry-on luggage. This ensures it stays safe and wrinkle-free. If you let your airline know in advance, a staff member can often hang your gown in the garment bag for the duration of the flight.

Once you arrive, hang the gown in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to avoid any potential damage. If needed, you can use a steamer or ask your hotel if they offer steaming services to freshen up the dress. With a little extra care, your gown will stay looking perfect for your special day!

Answered by: 11 Experts

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Sarah Assaf Couture

(0) · Australia Wide

Posted: 19/09/2023

Hello, Best to take it with you as carry on. Garment bags are used for travel and will keep your dress free of dust and damage. Speak to the freidnly staff of the airline and there is normally room on board for handing suit jackets or even a spare seat that they can drape of over to prevent too much crumple.

When you get there, hang it up unfolded to allow any folds to come out on their own. Most hotels will have a steamer or an iron that they will allow you to use or even a service to help get any stubborn creases out. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance.

Louise Alvarez Couture Bridal & Evening Wear

(28) · Sydney

Posted: 6/06/2023

I would sggest you pack your gown, shoes, underwear and jewelery into your carry on luggage, so it stays with you at all times during your flight. You would be surprised how well it will fit into carry on luggage, in my experience, most gowns can be layed flat with plenty of tissue paper layered over, and rolled/lightly folded into your bag. Line the hard wheelable bag with tissue before you start in a cross shape, then once the gown has ben place inside, fold the tissue over the top and tuck it in to the case, then add your other accesories. Once you arrive on the other end, shake out your gown and hang it up to minomise creases, you will most likely need a steamer if you can arrange it at the hotel, for final pressing, or if nothing is availible, a steamy bathroom (hang your dress away from direct contact with water) over a couple of days can be the travel cheat for steaming clothing. Good luck, Louise.

Bernice Fashions

(30) · Victoria

Posted: 7/12/2022

Loving the destination wedding. 

We offer our brides to fold their wedding gowns in their carry on cases.  This takes the stress away from the bride after we have altered their gown.  This also leaves enough room for all the things your require on they day of your wedding. Shoes, undergarments all should be on the carry on baggage for your wedding day.

Paddington Weddings / Bertossi Brides

(33) · Australia Wide

Posted: 24/11/2022

Hi there

How exciting that destination weddings are happening again! We recommend our gowns are taken on as hand luggage in the bridal bag and ask the crew on board to hang the gown with the suits onboard. We have been told that if there is a spare seat on board the crew will often lay it over a seat for you too. I wouldn't check it in just incase your bag is lost on the way. When you arrive hanging the gown straight away is very important and talk to the hotel you are staying in about if they have a steaming service or maybe bring along a travel hand steamer incase you need it. With our gowns we find hanging the gown for a few days outside of the bag on arrival generally deals with any creasing that may have happened on the trip.

Wishing you all the best with your wedding plans.

Kerry Armatas

(24) · Melbourne and Surroundings

Posted: 23/11/2022

Hi I think you have to carry your wedding gown in your arms in the wedding dress bag  and wen

you are on board  if the dress is to big and will not fit in the top cabin you can give to ear hostess to look utter it 

and  other ways you can Cary in the plain and store it in the top cabin  but do not crash it 

this way you make sure the dress is with you all the time and you can steam  iron wen you get to your destination 


Good luck 

Judith Penak Couture

(18) · Melbourne

Posted: 22/11/2022

Hang wedding  dress in bridal bag, then place the wrapped dress inside a hanging travel garment bag. Some airlines offer closets for hanging garment bags, which allows you to bring the dress with you as a carry-on item. Garment bags also result in fewer wrinkles even if you must check the bag.

Destination venue offers a steamer for preparing your wedding dress for your special day   

Wedding Gown Specialists

(1) · Australia Wide

Posted: 22/11/2022

There was a time when you could carry your wedding gown on board in a garment bag and hang the bag in a storage closet. Today most airlines insist you fold the garment bag into the overhead bin, and your wedding gown is sure to wrinkle. Especially if you are changing planes, you will do better to pack your gown in something you can carry with you onto the plane--something such as a box or small suitcase that will fit in the overhead.

Want a wedding chest that will protect your gown, can go through security with you, and fits into the overhead bin on board?  Ask the Certified Wedding Gown Specialist™ near you for help. 

If you chhose to pack your gown yourself, line the box or suitcase you are using with tissue and lay your wedding gown with the front side down over the box so that about one-third of your wedding gown is over the box, one-third is at one end of the box and the other one-third at the other end of the box.  Make sure you have your wedding gown centered in the box. The part that is front side down should be spread out flat so there are no creases or folds.

Beginning with the side seams, fold the skirt lengthwise over bunched tissue until the skirt is no wider than the box. Then add more tissue and fold the bottom of the skirt into the box.

Add still more tissue and fold the top of your wedding gown into the box. The top of the gown will now be facing up. In other words, visualize yourself doing the impossible: laying on your stomach with your legs folded over backwards while your head and shoulders are laying on top of your legs–-facing up!

Use still more tissue to stuff the bodice and cushion anything else such as bows or sleeves. If prongs are holding the crystals on your wedding gown in place, be sure to put tissue over the prongs so they do not cause snags.

When you are finished, the dress should not move or “dance,” even if you shake the box. Save the dancing for your wedding day!

Miss Bella Bridal

(77) · Victoria Wide

Posted: 22/11/2022

How exciting - Congratulations to you both! Depending on the weight of the gown, you can either take it in its garment bag and just carry it with you, or pack it into a carry-on suitcase. 

If you carry it in its garment bag, let a staff member know that it is your wedding gown and often times they will store it on board the plane for you for the duration of the flight. 

Once you arrive to your destination, hang it up straight in a wardrobe, back of a door etc. in its bag. If it is creased, your hotel may offer a steaming service, otherwise you can use a handheld steamer on the gown yourself. 

All the best!

Timeless Elegance

(32) · Launceston and Tasmania Statewide

Posted: 22/11/2022

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, Thailand is a fabulous destination for a wedding.    I would recommend packing your bridal gown into a carry on suitcase ( just one of the litttle cabin luggage suitcases should be fine).  This way you ensure your gown gets to Thailand in the best condition you can (and wont get lost or crushed with the general luggage).  When you get to your desitnation, remove the gown from your carry on, and hang it up.   If packed properly it may not require anything further, but if it is creased most resorts will offer a steaming service.

Best Wishes and have a great wedding. 

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