Or should I be looking online?
Question Asked: 14/09/2017
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 6 Experts
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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.
It is always better to buy wedding dress in store where you can try it and have some choice in a fit of the dress. Many retail bridal stores have sales on and special offers or expo offers. With some research I am sure you could find great dress.
All the best,
Beata Ridley, Bridal Couturier and Designer
Yes it is definately still worth visiting stores, we have a sale room downstairs where we sell our ex sample gowns starting at $399 you can get yourself a beautiful dress within your budget.
If you would like to make a booking to veiw these gowns please call us
Kind Regards
It is so worth going to a bridal store! You will definitely be able to pick up a gown within your budget, and they are qualitly gowns with or without the structure and beautiful fabrics. We are currently about to start a Clearance Weekend on September22-24 in which a massively reduced gowns need to go so that room is made for the next collection. So we are offering 40% off the marked price even if already reduced. You may fined what you are after.
Happy planning for your special day
Kind regards Bernice Fashions, Geelong
Hey there!
Yes, it's absolutely worth going to a bridal store! You will definitely be able to pick up a gown within your budget, we have a lot of beautiful gowns priced under $500. Make your budget known to the sales consultant before you begin so you are not falling in love with gowns that are above your limit but you will be surprised what gorgeous gowns are out there in this price range.
Best of luck to you xx
Yes of course.
We have over 100 gowns priced from $399 to $799.
And we help you with Alterations aswell.
Give me a call.
Brides of Brunswick
525 Sydney Road Brunswick
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We have over 100 wedding gowns brand new for under $500.
All styles, princess ball gown, chiffon, mermaid, crop top and so on.
Please take a look on our facebook page Bella E La Bestia Bridal, our website www.bellaelabestia.com.au
or contact us 1800 997 888.
We are located at 10/18 Sloane St, Maribyrnong 3032.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Bella E La Bestia Bridal team