Hi! We have a standard beer and wine package for our wedding but we are also including spirits that we need to provide. How many bottles should I get for a 100-person wedding? And what spirits should I get? Thanks!
Khanita westhoff W
Question Asked: 29/11/2023
Wedding Date: 2/01/2025
Answered by: 2 Experts
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For a 100-person wedding where you already have a standard beer and wine package, you'll want to consider the drinking preferences of your guests and the duration of the event. As a general guideline, you can estimate that each guest will consume about 2 drinks in the first hour and 1 drink for each additional hour. However, this can vary based on your crowd and their drinking habits.
Here's a basic breakdown of how many bottles you might consider for a 100-person wedding, based on the assumption that you're offering a variety of spirits:
Whiskey: 4-6 bottles
Vodka: 4-6 bottles
Rum: 2-4 bottles
Gin: 3-5 bottles
Tequila: 3-5 bottles
These numbers can be adjusted based on the preferences of your guests. You may also want to consider mixers such as soda, tonic water, fruit juices, and garnishes like lemons, limes, and olives.
When choosing specific brands and quantities, it's a good idea to consult with your liquor store or supplier, as they can often provide guidance based on your guest list and the duration of the event.
Remember to also check with your venue about any restrictions they may have on providing your own alcohol and always encourage responsible drinking by providing non-alcoholic options and arranging transportation for your guests if needed.
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This is a great gesture. You should limit the volume of spirits to perhaps one glass per head (15ml for single, or 30ml for doubles). For the rest of your beverages, generally 3-4 standard glases per head would be ample and represent responsible service of alcohol. A factor that could change this formula is a particularly hot day (DO NOT forget plenty of water).
We are happy to offer our RSA service - refer to our website and download drinks pdf. (www.plentycateringco.com/menue)