Hello, I was just wondering how many glasses I should order for a wedding of 100. Champagne, beer glasses, water glasses wine etc?
Question Asked: 17/11/2020
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 8 Experts
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I would be inclinde to get 10 more of each than the guest numbers just to cover breakages and lost glasees
We usually work on one of each per guest and have staff collecting and washing glassware throughout our service to ensure guests can always have a fresh glass whenever they want. It also depends on whether you are having glasses at your table setting as you may need extras for that if there is a significant gap between the begining of drink service and the sit down meal.
Normally we go with 60 of each. That should easily cover every possibilty
(43) · Based on Sydney's Northern Beaches and can cater anywhere in N.S.W.
Posted: 21/11/2020
Hello and thank you for your enquiry with us at Paddock to Plate!
We would usually cater for 2 wine glasses per person
1 x champagne glass per person (especially if you are doing champagne on arrival).
50 x beer glasses
50 x water glasses (if you get highball water glasses they can be used for both beer and water)
100 x additional champagne glasses if you are doing a champange toast during speeches/cake etc.
For your table setting you require (per person):
1 x red wine glass
1 x white wine glass
1 x water glass
Many Thanks
Paddock to Plate Catering Co
Is there a glass wash area?
Will you be having a toast during speeches? where you give everyone a glass of bubbles
Will there be tap or bottled beer?
2.5 of each stem/style per guest is abundantly safe.
We usually work on between 4 and 5 glasses per person for a wedding but this depends on how many you want to set on the table to start with. We also use a 'universal glass' that works well for Beer, Water or soft drinks, a bit of a multi purpose glass. Generally the last thing we want to do is to have to wash glasses in the middle of service as this takes us away from our guests so its better to have a few extras!
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Hi there
Generally we will encourage 1.5 glasses of each type required per person.
If we have a glass washing area at the Venue this is quite sufficient.
Feel free to phone or email if you require further assistance.
Thanks and Regards
Nadene and the Team