Would we be looking at surcharges or a different price list for catering if our wedding was on nye?
Question Asked: 7/03/2023
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 9 Experts
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Yes we do, but not double. If you can let us know the hours and how many people plus location we can draw up a quote for you!
(7) · Hunter Valley and Newcastle, Central Coast, Port Stephens, Sydney
Posted: 9/03/2023
Hi There,
We don't have any additional charges on NYE however if we have to return to pack down after midnight or the next day (NYD) there are additional charges.
Thanks for your enquiry. There would be a 15% surcharge for New Year's Eve catering.
We're a mobile woodfired pizza catering business and we don't charge any extra for New Years Eve but we would ask for a minimum of 60+ guests, which is our standard practice for a public holiday/special date etc.
Hi there,
It's a very good and important question!
We from HLB Catering, have to surcharge our prices on special days such as NYE or public holidays, to cover staff costs. As hospitality staff shortage continues to hit us hard, if we don't offer a good hourly rate on those days, we may not be able to have enough staff to work in our events.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your auestion :)
Hey there,
Rita here from The Habibiz, we don't charge extra on NYE :)
We have a set price and we stick to it no matter the day.
Thank you
Yes, under our Hospitlaity (General) Award NYE is designated a piblic holiday after 7:00pm requiring us to provide holiday rates. Depending on the menu selected, we build in a NYE loading to counteract the extra statutary staff wages. Please call us on 'ph 83710505 to discuss the loading and any other food/beverage details as we do book out for NYE.
Hi, thank you for your question.
We do have to charge more and the reasons are mainly because it's a time of the year in which produce costs more, but also because staff members prefer not to work and enjoy the party unless they are paid well. There is more but these are the main factors.
So generally speaking, unlsess it's a small and new caterer who wants to advertise, probably everyone would charge extra for it.
However, it sounds like a really fun plan, we hope you find a way to make it happen! Don't hesitate to contact us if you have further questions. eliadonati.com
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Hi, yes our catering expenses are a little higher plus it is an incentive for team members to give up the NYE to work. We have competitive packages available. reach out if we can assist further.