3 Wedding Caterers in Yarra Glen

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3 suppliers
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Exclusive Offer Diamond Blue Catering
4.9 (11) · Mount Evelyn, Victoria
Gourmet catering at an affordable price
Tailored catering to your taste and needs
Professional and personalised service
Call us now for your customised quote

We allow you to choose from all of our different menus according to the type of wedding you have planned and also taking into account your budget.

Lilydale, Victoria

Platters & More Yarra Valley is here to ensure no one goes hungry on your big day! With cold meats, fine cheeses, and locally sourced ingredients, the delicious grazing tables from this expert team are guaranteed to impress. For wedding catering in the Yarra Valley, you can't go wrong with a fresh, flavourful, and carefully curated grazing station from Platters & More!

Chirnside Park, Victoria

Frances Dominique is a family-owned wedding catering business specialising in beautifully designed grazing tables, boxes, and cocktail bites. With an emphasis on fresh, local, and seasonal produce, Frances Dominique crafts wedding catering experiences that foster connection, effortlessly elevating any wedding reception.

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