2 Wedding Caterers in Lower North Coast / Taree / Port Macquarie

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5.0 (5) · Nambucca Heads, New South Wales

Valla Catering, led by Chef Stewart Middlemiss, brings bespoke catering to weddings. With 25+ years in top-tier kitchens, they serve up seasonal, handmade goodness. From wood-fired pizzas to gourmet feasts, every dish is crafted with fresh, local produce, ensuring an unforgettable food experience.

Exclusive Offer Cannoli Me - Roaming Cannoli & Tiramisu
5.0 (3) · NSW

Cannoli Me offers a unique twist to wedding catering with its roaming cannoli service. Combining authentic Italian flavours with modern catering style, they bring freshly-made cannoli to weddings and receptions, delighting guests with customised flavours and toppings.

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