4 Wedding Caterers in Olinda

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4 suppliers
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Exclusive Offer Diamond Blue Catering
4.9 (11) · Mount Evelyn, Victoria
Gourmet catering at an affordable price
Tailored catering to your taste and needs
Professional and personalised service
Call us now for your customised quote

We allow you to choose from all of our different menus according to the type of wedding you have planned and also taking into account your budget.

4.7 (3) · Upwey, Victoria

Dave is an internationally experienced chef whose passion is fresh, ethically sourced produce and modern street food, perfect cuisine for your special day.

Sassafras, Victoria

FBC Catering is all about the special touch. Our aim is to provide you with a unique wedding that suits you and your guests rather.

5 (1) · Boronia, Victoria

We can assist you with a wide range of options to cater for your special day.

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