Wondering if there are surcharges for weddings on special dates like this. We're thinking of a NYE wedding.
Question Asked: 7/03/2023
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 8 Experts
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A 10% surcharge applies to Public Holiday and New Years Eve bookings
A small surcharge of 10% will apply for public holidays.
(33) · Gold Coast, Brisbane, Byron, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba
Posted: 12/03/2023
You will be charged a tad extra for New Years Eve, however this depends on how busy we are & what you require etc. :)
Yes ,as we need to pay staff to work in the special night
Hi there,
We won't be charging any additional fees for a NYE booking. We hire out 360 video booths.
Certain penalty rates kick in around that time of the year and we unfortunatey need to pass these on.
Hi there,
It certainly is quite common to charge more, between being a busy/high demand night and a need to pay staff more to have them work the night, between peoples desires to be out and not working and secondly additional penalty rates as you cross over into the Public Holiday.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Star Events Hire
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Generally it's a 10% surchage on top