They explained why which is fine, but this brochure is really terrible haha, why is this still a thing?!
Question Asked: 6/06/2017
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
(14) · Wollongong, South Coast (as far as Nowra), Southern Highlands and Sydney
Posted: 20/06/2017
Answered by: 15 Experts
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(29) · Newcastle / Hunter Valley / Port Stephens
Posted: 20/06/2017
The Brochure "Happily Ever... Before and After" is a legal requirement of the Attorney General's Department.
It contains some useful information and the Celebrant MUST give it to the couple and
sign to say that it has been given to the couple.
Love and Best Wishes
Marg Kish
(17) · Byron Bay to Ballina , North Coast NSW and Gold Coast QLD
Posted: 19/06/2017
the brochure is old and antiquated and I can only apologise for it
we , as celebrants, have to deliver it and tick the box that we have
so please yourself if you read it or not
but I do stress that if you do have relatinoship difficulties in the future , I implore you to seek help from someone as soon as you can
Hi, the "Happily ever before and after" is a brochure that all Celebrant are required to pass onto their Couples as per the Marriage Act. It does give good advice on the things that will need changing after marriage, and it also mentions counciling options. If you were getting married in a church you would be required in some faiths to undergo pre marriage counciling which is an option for any couple and it just lets you know what is available. Good luck with your Wedding.
(0) · Southern Highlands | Wollongong | Blue Mountains and beyond
Posted: 13/06/2017
Hi, we as celebrants are required by the Marriage Act 1961 and the Code of Practice which we have to work by to provide this brochure and information on how to find relationship education and counselling as part of the process.
The brochure is designed and published by the Attorney General's Department and your celebrant is obliged to give you one. If you already know why it was given to you and its purpose, why do you think it is really terrible? Would you like it to provide more information, different information or to look different? Maybe they would appreciate your feedback.
If you head to Attorney Generals Department Marriage, and then to 'contact' you will see a feedback form, they would love to hear your thoughts on making the form of more interest (apologies - can't add a hyperlink on this page)
It is a National Government requirement as a Celebrant, that I present this to you both. To answer your question, this document, sets out some most important issues - when you enter any contract, you need to be informed, this is where - "Happily Ever.... Before and After" should be talked about - together.
All important to set up and discuss prior to marriage, with the above.
The three headings on the back: Before Marriage, During Marriage, Marriage breakdown...are most important to know about help along the way.
Hello, we as Celebrants are obligated by the Attorney General's Department to hand out the Happily Ever After Brochure, and must indicate we have done so by ticking a box on the Notice of Intent when it is being completed. It does answer certain questions some couples might have, and it also indicates that your intended marriage is being treated seriously by the Department, they would like to see all couples better informed when it comes to the legal side of marriage.
All the best, Suzanne Edginton, Registered Celebrant
(0) · Melbourne & Surrounds including Mornington and Yarra Valley
Posted: 8/06/2017
it's not only a responsibility for celebrants to discuss and pass on the "happily ever before and after' material. It's a service we provide our couples to ensure they approach marriage with eyes wide open and not have the concept of "love" blind them to the realities of what the future holds. Couples are naive in thinking that marriage is happily ever after - marriage is a roller coaster ride. Personally, I feel that we should make marriage education compulsory, preferably in school, and not just a recommendation
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The Attorney Generals Department mandates this. It is a legal requirement for all celebrants to give you this document.