Some provide a "full personalised" ceremony, and others a basic package, what's the biggest difference there? I thought all ceremonies had to be pretty much the same, ie: "Do you ___ take ___ to be your lawfully wedded wife". Please explain how there's such a big difference in price and services? :)
Question Asked: 12/05/2017
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 26 Experts
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Dear Bride.
A fully personalised ceremony is very different to a basic ceremony. I take into consideration the personalities of the Bride and Groom and the "tapestry" of their love story. This can take many hours and I send drafts to my couple until they are absolutely 100% happy. It is lovely when I see family and loved ones so happy and emotionally involved.' I think many celebrants, dos as I do, which is to present the couple with what I call their "celebration pack" on completion. Included in this is all the legal paper work which is submitted to Births, Deaths and Marriages and presentation of their marriage certificate to the couple. There are three certificates to sign on the day which are prepared by your celebrant.
A basic package, means that you simply have the legal wording read by the celebrant which is mandatory by law and legal paper work completed by the celebrant ready to present to Births, marriages and deaths. Personally, in a basic ceremony, I ask the couple if they would like to exchange their own vows to each other as well.
I hope this answers your enquiry and you are less confused now.
(14) · Wollongong, South Coast (as far as Nowra), Southern Highlands and Sydney
Posted: 20/06/2017
You can clarify the types and prices of the ceremonies with the celebrant so that you can work out which one is for you. Communicating with and working with the celebrant ensures a personalised meaningful ceremony that you and your husband to be desire. All is possible!
To answer that question the couple would firstly give their Celebrant details of exactly what they want in their Ceremony. The Celebrant should ask you that question, and then give you examples. Firstly the celebrant would go through the ceremony profile...from the Entrance through to the signing of the Certificates and then the final presentation of the Presentation Certificate. These are the steps of the wedding ceremony. That will make it very clear both for you and your Celebrant. Some Celebrants will have a set script to follow, but they will usually adjust this to suit your needs. Celebrants will show you various ideas and suggestions for readings etc if you want and also various other ceremonies within your Ceremony.......You might want a completely no fuss ceremony with just the two of you and your witnesses....Your Celebrant would no doubt have a lesser price point for this type of occasion......However you can most certainly ask your Celebrant that same question, and they will be very happy to explain what their criteria is. Hope this helps. Regards Sharen Pelly.
Some celebrants offer different packages, others offer the same one price fits all...Best to ask the celebrant what they include in each if they don't already specify that. All celebrants must do the legal paperwork and many other legal requirements e.g. ensure that the ceremony can be heard by all those attending etc.
I recommend finding a celebrant who is going to write your ceremony specific to you as a couple and not a basic template that feels outdated and out of place. Ask them if their price is all inclusive of meetings, travel, PA system, the length of your ceremony.
Have a great ceremony!
A good Celebrant will explain to you all the different options that are open to you. There are "Quickie" ceremonies that take only 10 minutes and include only the legal part and nothing else. There are more elaborate wedding ceremonies that include your personal story, include readings or rituals. Rituals are an inclusion that some brides like to have part of the ceremony as it makes theirs different from someone else e.g. if you are Scottish you may want to include the Handfasting Ritual, or if you there are children involved in your lives you might like to add a Sand Ceremony so that they can take part.
I always enjoy going through all the different options as a lot of couples are unaware how much can go into their ceremony.
(54) · Cairns, Port Douglas, Mission Beach and the Tablelands but I am prepared to travel nationally
Posted: 17/05/2017
Hello, A fully personalized ceremony is one that is tailored to your love story and any rituals that you would like included such as a hand fastening or a sand ceremony (there are dozens of different rituals). A basic package is where you get a choice of 1, 2 or 3 ceremonies that range from just the legal wording to a very straight forward basic wedding with no personal touches. Ask your Celebrant what they offer and enjoy your wedding day.
(27) · Brisbane and surrounds | Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast
Posted: 16/05/2017
Great question. When it comes to choosing a celebrant, we all have different ways of going about our writing and coordination of the ceremony. There are many things that can be incorporated into your ceremony to include family and rituals that best reflect your relationship. There are legal requirements when putting together the ceremony and these will be discussed in your initial consultations with whoever you choose to meet with. At the end of the day, it comes down to your choices as to how long your ceremony goes for, what you require from your celebrant, as to which package you would go for. All legal ceremonies will all have the legal wording within them. Timing, meetings, travel, resources, insurances, productivity are all taken into consideration. Some Celebrants do their work as a full time roll and are in demand so will charge more for their services than others.
A basic ceremony is exactly that. It fulfills the legal requirements. The elements of the basic wedding can have choices in it.
I meet with the couple as many times as they wish and give them a large range of examples of what could be in their ceremony. I also explain the legal parts which must be included The bride and groom can make the choices. Just as clothing stores offer different types of clothes and prices, celebrants offer different types of ceremonies and prices.
As a celebrant with over 20 years of experience my advice is that you meet with a variety of celebrants and make a selection that suits your own wishes and your budget.
Lynton Round Wedding Excellence.
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