I've seen some awful clashing outfits and celebrants in white etc... is it rude to ask them to wear a particular colour or style? I don't know if I'm taking it way too far haha. But I want everything to look good! It is my wedding day, after all :)
Keira M
Question Asked: 18/05/2017
Wedding Date: 7/04/2018
(66) · Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Surrounds
Posted: 28/06/2019
Answered by: 45 Experts
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Of course Keira you are well within your rights to ask your celebrant to try and match a colour, style, or theme for your special day.
A celeberant with experience will ask when you first meet what ideas you have, and how much of a role you want the celebrant to play in your ceremony.
You can ask your celebrant to wear anything you want.
Most will be very happy to accommodate your wishes.
As a Celebrant, I always ask couples what they want me to wear.
I also, usually have a collection of different colored vests, shorts, and ties in my car as backup.
I have, for example, a very bright orange jacket for African weddings and have had cheers when wearing it. I also have some very bright and huge bow ties that are rarely worn as most couples just ask for something more conservative.
A couple this week has gone through my photos online and selected exactly what they want me to wear for their wedding
As a lover of all things weddings, I always do my best to dress appropriately and in accordance with any theme or dress code.
As a Celebrant, I take this even further! You'd like me to wear a black? No problem. You'd like me in something colourful and floral? Easy. You're having a Star Wars themed wedding and want to be married by Darth Vader? Well the Force is with you and so am I!
In all seriousness though, weddings are very personal and I understand just how much planning goes into every tiny detail. I'm here to make sure your day goes as smoothly as possible and if you haven't already spoken to me about what I'll be wearing, I'll certainly bring it up with you before the big day.
Best advice; have the conversation. Your Celebrant wants to help realise the wedding day of you and your fiance's dreams so don't be afraid to talk to them, the sooner the better.
Definitely! I have worn an outfit colour requested by my couple on several occasions.
Hi Keira,
I think you said it best- 'It is my wedding day, after all :)'
Just keep in mind that a celebrant my not have the particual outfit/ colour you request, and may take this into account with pricing.
Having said this, any good celebrant will be consious of ensuring they fit with the style/ aesthetic of your ceremony.
Enjoy your day :)
(14) · Wollongong, South Coast (as far as Nowra), Southern Highlands and Sydney
Posted: 20/06/2017
Hi Keira
Why not?
I always ask my bride her colours and ask her what colour she would like me to wear so as not to take the attention away from the bridal party or clash. Brides are appreciative of this.
Hello Keira,
Most Celebrants are only too happy to comply to a colour request. As to style, unless you are having a themed Wedding I don't like your luck there. I personally have outfits that suite my body shape in most colours that would compliment bridal parties and that is one of the questions I always ask my brides for that particular reason -- I want to blend in with the bridal party not standout like a sore thumb.
Hope you pick a Celebrant that is obliging.
Hi Keira
I would not mind as a Marriage Celebrant to be asked to wear a specific colour or style (except nude). I usually wear black as it is elegant and neutral and would not contrast with bridesmaids. I think it is a good idea if you are having a particular theme. Best wishes Helen Pickering CMC
Hey Keira,
Funny enough I just asked a bride that question 10 minutes ago.
I think it should be the celebrant who invites that question, however if they don't then of course you can tell them!
As you said, it's your wedding day! You've organised the theme for everything else, why wouldn't you want the celebrant to also fit in :)
Have a great ceremony!
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As a celebrant, I always ask my couples what colour they are wearing, their bridesmaids and the mothers. I never want to clash or match the bridal party.
I also think it is important to adjust my style to suit the couple I am marrying. I have a vast selection of outfits that I can wear, so I wont be offended at all if someone asks me to wear something in particular.
Happy to wear a costume if you want!
Much love,
Celebrant Emily x