Who usually pays for the honeymoon?

Just curious on what normally goes...

Question Asked: 20/04/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

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Airlie Beach Accommodation - Pinnacles Resort

(20) · Whitsundays

Posted: 20/04/2017

Majority of the time the bride & groom pay for the honeymoon although we have had couples who have received their honeymoon stay with us as a wedding gift from one of their parents.

Answered by: 3 Experts

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Allucia tours

(0) · Australia Wide

Posted: 7/01/2020

There is no fast rule , usually it is paid by the bride and groom ,however it is not unusual for friends and familly to contribute 

or to pay for it in full as a wedding gift.

Melati Beach Resort & Spa

(8) · Bangkok, Thailand

Posted: 1/09/2017

There is no fixed rule for this, normally it is paid by Bride & Groom. However, sometimes their friends and family also pay them as a Gift.

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