What do I need to pack for the honeymoon?

Question Asked: 8/08/2018

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

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Allucia tours

(0) · Australia Wide

Posted: 7/01/2020

What you need to pack depends on your choice of activities.

If you choose to just relax in a resort,of course casual gear , sun screen , swimming gear and so on.

If you rather have a more adventurous type of Honeymoon,maybe good waking shoes and other activity related apparel.

At Allucia tours we can certainly advise at the time of your booking , depending on your preferences

Answered by: 2 Experts

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Melati Beach Resort & Spa

(8) · Bangkok, Thailand

Posted: 20/09/2018

What to pack for your honeymoon? 

We would suggest to check out these website which some of brides have used.




Easy Weddings Expert

Adapters, chargers, sunscreen, passport, itinerary, medications, visa, suitcase locks, a spare credit card, some cash!

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