If i am traveling overseas for our honeymoon should i wait till we get back before changing my name?

Question Asked: 28/02/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

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Allucia tours

(0) · Australia Wide

Posted: 7/01/2020

This is entirelly up to you ,however,at Allucia tours we advise you  if possible to travel under your you new married name if possible ,

to avoid  possible confusion ,however it is fine to travel under your maiden name if time doesn't permit you to get new travel documents issued.

Answered by: 3 Experts

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Melati Beach Resort & Spa

(8) · Bangkok, Thailand

Posted: 1/09/2017

To avoid any confusion, please use the name as per the passport that you are going to use for your honeymoon trip.

Crystal Creek Rainforest Retreat

(33) · Australia Wide

Posted: 3/03/2017

We advise you to make the booking in your future married name as this will save any confusion after you are married.

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