Hi there, what do you predict will be in/popular for men's suits in 2024/25? Are there any new colours/ trends on the horizon?
Question Asked: 29/09/2022
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 2 Experts
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Currently we are seeing big interest in the Sports Jacket theme and a strong return to Black Tie and formal wear. Sports Jackets will be more colourful and textured and Tuxedo's will also be in more colours, think dark green/ burgundy etc.
My suggestion to any groom will be to consider where your comfort lies in relation fashion, you dont want to be wearing something that is in fashion but makes you feel uncomfortable or silly.
Best of luck!
Black tie by Xavier
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Great question! Men's wedding suit trends for 2024/25 are all about modern elegance, personality, and versatility. Here’s what we’re seeing on the horizon:
Colours on the Rise
Styling Trends
At Modus Operandi Sydney, we can help you find a suit that fits your style and the latest trends. Feel free to reach out at hello@modusoperandisydney.com.au, and we’ll guide you to the perfect wedding look!