Hi there. We are having a blended wedding party. My partner is having 3 groomsman and a best woman who wants to wear a suit. But wondering if she can wear the same suit to the guys or if she needs to shop elsewhere for something similar?
Question Asked: 12/12/2022
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
Answered by: 2 Experts
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This really depends on the build of the person in question. We have hired/sold for ladies before, but they have fit in the mens cut quite well. Obviously there are limitations to how well each suit will fit, if at all, so my advise would be to visit the stores you are thinking to use and try them on. With a little help this shouldnt be too difficult.
Best of luck!
Black tie by Xavier
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That’s such a great question, and we love that you’re embracing a blended wedding party!
While we don’t stock women’s suits, fashion should always be about feeling comfortable and confident in what you wear. If the best woman wants to match the groomsmen, she can absolutely wear a men’s suit—it’s all about finding the right fit. Some small adjustments may be needed, such as:
- Tapering the jacket slightly for a more tailored look
- Adjusting the trousers for a comfortable and flattering fit
- Exploring different shirt or accessory options to suit her style while staying cohesive with the wedding party
If you’d like help finding the best option, we’d love to guide you through it! Reach out at hello@modusoperandisydney.com.au, and we’ll make sure your wedding party looks and feels amazing.