I am hoping to see if there is any guidance for our two sons and getting them fitted for suits in Brisbane please. Complexity is that my oldest is 12 and he is about to have a rather major leg surgery. He will be on crutches and only 5 weeks post surgery. He dearly wants to wear a black tux
Question Asked: 19/05/2023
Wedding Date: 9/08/2018
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It’s wonderful that your son is excited to wear a black tux for the occasion! Given his upcoming surgery and recovery, comfort will be just as important as style.
Here are a few things to consider when fitting both your sons:
While we’re based in Sydney, we can certainly help guide you in finding the right tux for both your boys. Feel free to reach out at hello@modusoperandisydney.com.au, and we’d be happy to assist! Wishing your son a smooth recovery and a fantastic event ahead.