what role should I give little boys at a wedding?

Question Asked: 19/09/2018

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Blame the Baby

(2) · Australia wide

Posted: 28/09/2018

Little Boys love being involved and getting dressed up just as much as the girls.  It is so exciting!

Boys are commmonly used as ring bearers, junior groomsmen or page boys.  Depending on their age they could read a verse or poem (My son did this when he was 6 and was so proud).  They could show guests to their seats, or hold the train of your dress as you enter.  So many options!

I hope you find the perfect role for including the little Guys at your wedding.

Answered by: 2 Experts

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Little Angels Couture

(1) · Australia wide

Posted: 28/09/2018

Little Boys like to feel important so any role with a little responsibility is fine whether that be as a Page Boy , carrying the rings on a cushion or assisting flower girls.

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